For those of you who have just awakened from a coma and are now trying to catch up on current events, lets start with a couple of earth shaking developments that have occurred over the last week.
On January 12th a seismic shift in the earth’s plates caused the island nation of Haiti to suffer a devastating earthquake, plunging the impoverished nation into a state of chaos and despair. As usual, the American people led the rest of the world in response to this disaster by implementing immediate rescue and assistance, both in the form of supplies and manpower, with the American military providing the yeoman’s work in this humanitarian relief effort.
Last night, in the so-called “People’s Republic of Massachusetts,” a seismic shift in the political landscape sent the Obama administration and the Democrat party into a state of chaos and confusion as relatively unknown state senator Scott Brown (R) defeated Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley (D). The defeat of a democrat, in what is considered the “bluest” of states, for the senate seat long held by the “Lion of the Senate,” Ted Kennedy, defied conventional wisdom and raised the specter of a bloodbath for democrats in the upcoming November elections.
Coakley, not more than a month ago was leisurely coasting to victory with a twenty point lead over her truck-driving, regular guy, conservative opponent. What went wrong? How could a 25+ point shift in popularity occur so quickly in a state that Obama won with an overwhelming majority?
The answer lies in the arrogance and overreaching liberal agenda being foisted on the American people by the Obama administration, with the complicity of a democratically controlled congress intent on passing damaging legislation despite the demonstrative opposition of their constituents. The American people, as demonstrated by the independent minded voters of the Bay State, have revolted against the blatant lack of representation, the condescending attitude of their elected officials, and the constant erosion of their liberties by a government that has grown far too big, self centered, and controlling.
The Patriots of the Revolutionary War would be proud of their fellow statesmen who last night stood up and decided the time to fight had come. Last night they went to the ballot box and voted “No” to late night, closed door secretive votes, “No” to blatant bribery in Louisiana and Nebraska, “No” to special interest sweetheart deals exempting unions and other Obama patsies from the perils of bad legislation, all at the expense of the American taxpayers, and “No” to the undisciplined spending that will bankrupt our country and leave future generations shouldering the burden of debt.
Lest Republicans think that this election means they will have a cake walk come this November, they would be wise to study the campaign of Massachusetts’ new senator. Brown enumerated a few simple issues which resonated with the voters in Massachusetts, and clearly echo the mood of the vast majority of Americans who want government out of their way economically and socially, concentrating instead on providing real security and defense of our nation.
Senator-elect Brown reiterated his positions in his acceptance speech:
No more undisciplined spending, bailouts, and redistribution of wealth.
No massive government takeover of health care.
The constitution does not provide rights for terrorists or enemy combatants.
Taxpayer money should be spent on weapons to kill our enemies, not on lawyers to defend them.
Return to free market enterprise and individual responsibility
Strong military for defense.
These are the principles Americans want, and any candidate, democrat or republican, who cannot get on board, best not enter the fray. As Scott Brown so eloquently stated when asked about Ted Kennedy’s Seat, “With all due respect, it’s not the Kennedys’ seat, it’s not the democrats’ seat, it’s the people’s seat…”
So, now, after the November elections in Virginia and New Jersey, after the upset in Massachusetts, after Obama’s efforts to prop up democratic candidates have failed time and again, after so-called moderate, Blue Dog Democrats can see that they are about to commit political suicide, will the Obama administration and the democrat congress slow down and reevaluate their far left agenda, or will they redouble their efforts and force through their damaging legislation while they continue to hold power. If recent history is any indication of their upcoming actions, we can expect more arrogance, more determination and more disregard for the will of the people.
We’re living in strange times, and maybe, just maybe, the American people have awakened in time to rescue their country and preserve their liberty. How ironic it would be if the new senator, now sitting in Ted Kennedy’s Seat, gets to cast the deciding vote derailing the Obama Health Care Bill.
Conventional wisdom told us that a republican wouldn’t hold Kennedy’s seat until hell freezes over. Well, better send Snowshoes to Satan because that time has come.
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