Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Conservative Message of Hope

As I sit to write on this 21st of December, I am reminded that today is the winter solstice, the so-called shortest day of the year, the day when darkness relinquishes its grip later in the morning and reclaims the skies earlier in the evening, limiting the light of day to its briefest appearance of the year.

To listen to many of my fellow patriots, one would think that the darkness will never end, the skies will never brighten, and the breath of spring will never arrive. They lament the continuing manipulation of a lame duck congress that seems hell bent on destroying every vestige of American greatness before relinquishing its stranglehold on the nation. They gnash their teeth over every failure of republican representatives to hold fast to the conservative ideals of the multitudes of concerned citizens who have returned them to power. They despair that the gains we made this year will disappear overnight with every piece of legislation that comes to a vote.

While I share the concerns, the angst, and the outrage of the final days of the 111th Congress, I suggest we remember who we are as Americans. We proudly proclaim that our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian traditions, so at this wonderful time of the year let us embrace the traditions and cultures that make us who we are.

Weeks ago we moved from the uniquely American Thanksgiving Day to the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, commemorating a miracle when what appeared to be only enough oil to keep the light lit at the Menorah for a single day, burned for eight days while more oil was prepared. In a few short days Christians will celebrate the birth of Christ, the Son of God, sent to earth as the Messiah, the one who would reclaim salvation for mankind. Our traditions, our cultures, our beliefs, our eternal optimism for hope. Remember that we each have the flame of freedom burning within us, acknowledged by our founders as being an inalienable right bestowed on us by our Creator. Each of us must nurture that flame and keep it burning, so that it may light the flame of freedom for others around the world.

Let us be mindful of the work we have ahead of us in the rescue of our nation, but let us not dwell on the negative, but rather look forward to the challenge and the eventual success that is a part of our very being as Americans.

We believe that this nation was conceived and guided by Divine Providence, put here for a reason, and destined to be the light of freedom for all mankind. Our forefathers have accepted challenges, setbacks, and hardships, and have risen up as victors. The first settlers suffered to take hold of the land, the pioneers and frontiersmen tamed a wild west, the initial assault on D-Day met with massive casualties and the island hoping in the Pacific resulted in terrible loss of life, yet generations of Americans have overcome these trials and achieved greatness. It is now our turn to weather the storm, to keep a steady hand and a focused eye, and to move ever forward, and to do it with the grace and hope of those who have come before us.

Let us remember that we are novices at what we are doing and that our movement as concerned citizens did not even exist two years ago. Rather than dwell on the negative, think of what might have been had we not become engaged, had we not raised our voices, had we not allowed our passion and love for America to become the one safeguard to the liberty of a nation. We have a class of conservative representative ready to take over the reins in the House, we have slightly more conservative representation in the Senate, we have made great strides in statehouses, and we have the organization and apparatus to continue to exert influence on those who have not yet heard our voices.

Starting tomorrow, each day will get longer. The sun will rise earlier and set later; the light of day continually encroaching on the darkness of night. We will weather the winter and welcome the spring and the rebirth and resurrection which it brings. A new year filled with challenges and hope is almost upon us. Last year we feared that all we cherished as Americans could have been lost, yet we rose to the occasion and lived to fight another day.
Let us make 2011 a year of continued advances for the cause of liberty, and a time of renewed commitment to this dream we call America. As long as even one of us keeps the embers of freedom burning within us, America will continue to live.

Let us face the incoming year with the optimism and spirit that Ronald Reagan so comfortably portrayed in all he did. Let us honor the celebration of his 100th birthday not with negativism and fear, but with a smile and an understanding of who we are as Americans, and a commitment to achieve our date with destiny.

Enjoy your family, your friends, your fellow patriots and all the joys and blessings that we have as Americans. I wish you all the Peace and Blessings of this Christmas Season and all the Health and Happiness of the New Year.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Deo Gratias

In the Jewish faith, rich in tradition and culture, on the feast of Passover, the youngest person at the table asks the question “Why is this night different from all other nights?” The question allows the children to learn of the past and to reflect on the history of their ancestors.
On this Thanksgiving Day, let us ask the question, “Why is this Thanksgiving different from all the others?” Why should our gratitude be stronger, more intense, and more meaningful in the year 2010? Let us take a moment to reflect on the events of this past year.
Thanksgiving is by its very nature a feast of reflection, of appreciation and of gratitude for all we have, all we have been blessed with. This year, unlike so many others, we here in America realized that our freedoms, our boundless opportunities, our unbridled spirit and our limitless pursuit of happiness, all those things we have taken for granted for far too many years, are not etched in stone, but only exist to the extent that we, the citizens of this great nation, are prepared to fight for them.
Remember the words of Marcus Aurelius as he spoke of Rome in the movie Gladiator “There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile.” We finally understood that our American Dream, all we cherish, all we hold dear for our children, could vanish before our eyes under the misguided leadership of a president and a congress that sought to destroy all that was good in America. The only safeguard for these precious blessings was the will of the patriotic citizens of our nation.
So let us give thanks for the Great Awakening of the American People. Let us gratefully acknowledge that We the People finally accepted our responsibility to become engaged in our politics, to raise our voices, and to stem the tide of socialism and the soft tyranny that would strip our away our liberties and subject us to a government leviathan, intent on crushing American greatness and prosperity. Let us pledge that our gratitude will forever be accompanied by our continued vigilance and action, for we have only slowed the demise of our country, and we must be prepared for a long fight to again right our ship of state.
Let us also remember to give thanks for the selfless sacrifices of the American warriors, both past and present, for their constant vigilance, keeping us safe from those who would do us harm, and likewise give thanks to their families, who live each day without their loved ones, hoping and praying for their continued safety. May our heavenly Father watch over each and every one of them, holding them close to His merciful breast, and shielding them from harm.
Let us, on this Thanksgiving Day, give thanks for our ancestors, our parents and grandparents, who traveled to this land of opportunity in hopes of providing us with a better life. If you are fortunate enough to still have your parents and grandparents, call them and thank them. Tell them you love them. Thank them for your life in America. If they are gone, and if you believe in an afterlife as I do, thank them in your thoughts – they will surely hear you and smile.
For those of us with children and grandchildren, thank God for the joy they bring to our lives, for their love and affection.
Finally, let us drop to our knees and give thanks to our God, whose divine mercy has placed us here, in this great nation, at this special time, blessed beyond the dreams of all the other people on this planet. Let us accept these blessings, cherish them, and be the stewards who will pass them on to future generations of Americans, who must always do their duty to make this world a better place in His name.
Deo Gratias.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Pledge to America's Veterans

You don’t know me, but my name is Nico, and I am one of countless Americans who have been awakened to our duty as citizens of this great nation.

Up until about a year ago I never did anything that could be considered serving my country. I never put my plans on hold, left family and friends, sacrificed, or put my life on the line for a greater cause. No, I am just one of millions of Americans who have enjoyed the American Dream, lived a good life, and taken for granted all the wonderful blessings and liberties that we have in this great nation, and which are safeguarded for us, as they have been for generations of Americans, by a long line of selfless warriors, of which you and your fellow veterans are but the latest in that time honored tradition.

You men and women who have served this country, and who continue to serve this country, are the very backbone of our society – you are the deterrent that keeps us free – you are the tip of the sword that keeps our enemies at bay – you are America.

Today, there are things going on in our country which have caused many citizens to realize that our freedoms, our traditions and our culture, indeed our very way of life, are but fleeting treasures, which can evaporate before our very eyes when we forget that vigilance is the responsibility of every American.

We can no longer ignore the political ramifications, economic impacts, and foreign policy trials that are the consequences of elections based on immediate gratification, entitlements, and a lack of sacrifice. The American Patriots in every town are rediscovering that, who we are as Americans, what we stand for, and the founding principles of our nation, matter and are worth fighting for.

I have become actively engaged in what has become the Tea Party movement. I have finally found a small way to serve, to make my meager contribution to preserve this country for future generations. I have spoken at rallies, at group meetings, and have organized small groups of concerned citizens at dozens meetings in New Jersey, and have personally spoken to thousands of concerned citizens. Their concerns and their passion about restoring America to its greatness are real and this is what I want to share with you.

These people want a constitutionally responsible, small government. They want fiscal responsibility. They want a return to personal responsibility, free markets, and individual liberties. Besides these virtues, the single most significant thing that unites these people is their respect and love for this country’s veterans and those now serving in our military. They understand the sacrifice. They finally get it.

You all need to know that the vast majority of Americans think of you often, and they now pray for the safety of those serving today, and support the sacrifices of their families. The people I have come in contact with certainly feel that way, and their respect and gratitude towards our veterans is warm and heartfelt. I wanted you know that.

So what I am trying to say is Thank You, thank you all for all you have done, for all the good that you represent. I know that I speak for many, many Americans, and likewise for countless generations of people from every corner of the world, who owe their lives, their freedom, and their opportunity to those of you who sacrificed so much for a greater good.

We citizens now do solemnly swear to do our part, to fulfill our obligations as citizens, to safeguard our heritage, and to remain vigilant over those we place in power. We will treasure, nurture and sacrifice to preserve The Dream that you have gained for us, so that it may become the sacred inheritance that we bequeath to our children and our grandchildren.

To do that, we will teach our children and grandchildren why we honor you veterans. We will teach them our history, teach them of our sacrifices, and teach them of their obligations as citizens. We will tell them what happens when we are not vigilant caretakers of our democracy. We will make it clear to them that freedom is not free. Great words, but what do they mean?

We will show them pictures of the cemeteries throughout Europe and the Pacific filled with American graves. We will take them to National Cemeteries honoring our veterans – let them try to fathom the endless rows of graves. Take them to the Vietnam Memorial – let them touch the names engraved in stone. Walk them through the WWII Memorial and through the sacred fields of Gettysburg, where 147 years ago, 3 days of battle resulted in some 50,000 casualties. We will show them what those words mean, “Freedom isn’t free.” We will make it real; make it important, lest they ever forget.

God bless you all.
Nico Rago

Portions of this essay are taken from my Independence Day Address and also from a personal letter to a special young man now serving our country. – N.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

We are at war

“Yes. Fight and you may die. Run and you will live, at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance to come back here as young men, and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but will never take our freedom?”

These famous words of William Wallace to his troops before the Battle of Sterling may seem a little over the top as we rally our forces for this coming Election Day, but think for a minute what is really at stake as we approach the most pivotal election in our lifetime.

If you believe that we are merely engaged in a debate of ideas, that whatever the outcome, America will continue on as it has in the past, that our way of life will merely experience some slight inconvenience, then I suggest that you have not been paying attention these last twenty two months.

We are at war, a so far bloodless war, for the very soul of America. Too strong a statement? I direct you to the very words of President Obama in a radio interview that aired on Univision. Speaking to Hispanics, Mr. Obama said, “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends ……”

Who are the enemies he speaks of? Was he speaking about Islamic terrorists? The Taliban? No, the president of the United States was inciting Hispanic Americans to punish their fellow America citizens who do not fall into lock step with his agenda of redistribution of wealth. The president of the United States continues his deliberate, calculated division of America on religious, economic and social issues, pushing America into a state of civil unrest.

He has declared war on the free market. He has declared war on our system of contracts and law. He has declared war on law enforcement officers who would dare to uphold the concept of securing our borders. He has declared war on our brave men and women in the military by placing them in harm’s way under restricted rules of engagement that jeopardize their safety, while denying them their constitutional right to participate in the government they protect via their vote. He has declared war on the Constitution that has been the fundamental framework of our republic. He has done all of this with the cooperation of politicians who we have elected to represent us.

We are indeed at war. There can be no compromise. There can be no partial peace. We must defeat the liberal, progressive ideology that is neutering our country. We must oust from office any and all who do not espouse the simple tenants of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and a limited government, exercising fiscal responsibility and compliance with its Constitutional authority.

We are out of time. Our actions, protests, and commitments of the last year and a half will mean nothing if we cannot produce the results on Election Day. The Left will try anything to steal this election. The media has prostituted itself to the status of a propaganda machine. It will all come down to turnout on Tuesday. Do not be lulled into thinking this is a done deal. Double your resolve, fire up your passion and bring others out to vote.

My fellow patriots, America has been infected with a cancer that is destroying us from within. Our government has been co-opted by a sleeper cell of radical socialists put in place decades ago. If we allow this congress to remain unchanged, we will have forfeited the inheritance of our children and grandchildren, which has been safeguarded and nourished by the sacrifice, blood and commitment of generations of American citizens. If we fail to overturn the radical agenda of this corrupt regime, we will forever be branded as the generation that refused to fight, the generation that lost the Dream, the generation that forgot that this country was founded under a Divine Providence to forever be a beacon of hope and liberty to the entire world.

I cannot fathom telling my children and grandchildren that I allowed the destruction of this great nation to happen on my watch. How about you?


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Render to Caesar.....

I do not normally write about moral issues but the events of this past weekend were extremely emotional for me and I thought I’d share.

I was asked to give some brief closing remarks at the end of a Respect Life Dinner event at our Catholic church which is actively supported by my local Knights of Columbus Council. The keynote speaker was the founder of a crisis pregnancy center in North Jersey. My role was to speak about the positions of our local congressional candidates vis-a-vis abortion. This was to be a simple outline comparing two candidates, and I had not prepared any notes.

As I listened to the keynote address, heard the stories about the expectant mothers who struggled with peer pressure, family abandonment and socio-economic forces pressuring them to abort their children, stories I have heard time and again, and how our country had lost its moral compass, how we have failed as a society to elect representatives who would support our values, the emotions and passions that have roiled within me this past year forced me to reevaluate what I would say. How would I address 110 of my fellow Catholics, and tell them things they needed to hear, but would never be told?

A few thoughts formed, I approached the podium, and judging from the reaction of the room, and the dozens of grateful comments that I received afterwards, delivered one of the most well received and powerful talks I have ever given. Since there were no prewritten notes, this is an approximation of how it went.

I have been asked to speak to you tonight about the positions on abortion of the congressional candidates here in our district. I have decided not to do that, for that would be too easy for you. We are now in a new America, an America where we must all become intimately aware of what is going on in our country. We can no longer leave decisions to others. We cannot expect someone else to tell us whom we should or should not vote for. We must understand that we are responsible for this nation. We have a duty to be informed and educated citizens. We live in the greatest country in the world, have the most opportunities, and are blessed with abundant liberties bestowed by our Creator, and with these blessings come a sacred responsibility to be vigilant and knowledgeable citizens.

So how do we discuss religion and politics – how do we deal with that awful taboo?

We have been taught, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” But when Caesar condones the murder of innocent children, when Caesar strips the citizens of every vestige of self respect, condemning generation after generation to believe that only Caesar can care for them, depriving them of the very human dignity that comes with self reliance and personal responsibility, and takes their very freedom in return for his largesse, then it is time when we as Catholics, when we as citizens, must rise up and proclaim “No, Caesar, this will not stand!”

Elections have consequences, and in the end, we really do get the kind of government we choose. It was said tonight that it’s a shame that New Jersey, a predominantly Catholic state, still does not have a parental notification requirement before a child has an abortion. It’s not a shame, it’s a fact. We Catholics voted for the representatives we have. We have two senators who will continue to sanction the murder of the unborn child because Catholics elected them.

We complain about the current administration in Washington. Somebody has to tell you that 54% of Catholics voted for Obama. Some of our church hierarchy and some religious communities also supported his slogans of Hope & Change without looking at the consequences. Understand that these Catholics, some of our bishops and other religious, have bought into this nebulous notion of “social justice” and supported candidates who espouse that term. Do they not realize that the progressive interpretation of social justice is merely redistribution of wealth, class envy and the subjugation of entire generations of people for a vote? Shouldn’t we instead be looking for social justice as defined by charity, unbridled opportunity, personal responsibility and individual freedom? And shouldn’t charity begin at home, then be supplemented by friends and by church, with government intervention only as a last resort, and only for the truly needy?

Such was not the case. Catholics voted for their social justice, and along with the progressive or liberal social justice candidate comes a sure fire vote for unbridled abortion rights. Fifty four percent of Catholics elected the most anti-life president we have ever known, a man whose record includes repeated votes against legislation which would have banned the most heinous crime of partial birth abortion. Fifty four percent of Catholics, if they most likely voted party line, elected a congress that has rubber stamped this president’s agenda. Fifty four percent of Catholics have consented to the de facto nomination of two Supreme Court judges, who will undoubtedly vote down any legislation that might limit abortion on demand.

Elections have consequences. When you go home tonight, I admonish you to pray as hard as you ever have for the continued health and safety of Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy. If God forbid, something would happen to one of them, then that fifty four percent of Catholics would have sealed the fate of your fight for a pro-life society. We could be saddled for twenty or thirty years with a court which would overturn any progress you could ever achieve and would uphold legislation that would render your efforts harmless. You would be left with prayer and only prayer, and while that is a powerful tool, would it hurt to have some legislative and judicial clout on your side?

So understand that it is up to each and every one of you. Yes you, and you, and you. You cannot wait for someone else to do your job. You cannot complain and hope for some miracle change. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last – but eat you he will.”


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Address to The Morristown Tea Party Labor Day Rally

Address to the Morristown Tea Party Labor Day Rally
Never Forget
(The body of this address was taken from a previous post)

On September 6, 2001, nine years ago today, Americans had no idea that their days of domestic peace and security, their long-standing isolation from the forces of terrorism, would vanish forever in five short days. On September 11, 2001, American lives were forever changed and security became a nebulous notion, sometimes apparent, often no more than a hope, an apparition that we prayed would materialize into a reality while we wandered through an ever-changing rainbow of terror alerts.

We said that we would never forget the horrors of 911. We came together as a nation and swore that never again would we be caught off guard by those who would seek to destroy our way of life.

Today, the current administration seems to have forgotten the lessons of history. They cannot speak of a war on terror, they refuse to acknowledge that Islamic Fundamentalists are our enemy, and they continue to place obstacles in the way of those who would protect us.

A massacre at Ft. Hood, the Christmas Day Underwear Bomber, the attempted attack in Times Square, all written off as isolated incidents perpetrated by troubled individuals. We undergo screening at airports, yet terrorists can simply walk across our Southern border, while the administration threatens sovereign states and law enforcement personnel with lawsuits and condemns the actions of Arizona lawmakers in that bastion of hypocrisy and ineptitude, the United Nations.

Those of us here today understand that the proud eagle, always vigilant, and with sharpened talons is the best protection against our enemies, but when we remove the talons and expose the soft underbelly, we surely invite attack by those who swear to destroy us.

Let us here today pledge that we will always remember, and come November let us elect those who understand that the security of America is the prime directive, indeed the sacred duty, of our government.

So now I ask you to please come back in time with me. Clear your mind, close your eyes, and as painful as it may be, let me paint that terrible picture for you once again. Let it be indelibly impressed in your mind lest you ever forget. Let us begin with a moment of silence…...


It was the penultimate perfect day. Crystal clear blue sky, not a cloud to be seen, the air crisp and clean. New Yorkers of every stripe, in their own inimitable way, hurried about their business, rushing off to school or work, to a morning run or a latte at Starbucks. Down the subway, chasing a bus, stuck in morning rush hour traffic, or scurrying across the crowded streets they came, converging on downtown Manhattan like bees to the hive. For some, the day held an important meeting, for others only the mundane daily grind. They came, thinking ahead to their evening plans – a trip to the gym, pasta or chicken for supper, a romantic evening with that someone special – never knowing that those plans would never materialize.

They also came that morning – filled with hate for Americans and their freedom, their pursuit of prosperity, their individualism and their attitude, nowhere else better portrayed than in New York. Their mission was simple – to kill those who cherish liberty and to destroy the dream that is America.

Remember the first newscast – a plane had crashed into the Trade Center. Surely an accident, it quickly became the focus of the morning news.

Remember watching the broadcast, the speculation, the queasy feeling of seeing the first tower on fire. As the broadcast continued a second plane appears in the background – why was it flying so low, so close to the skyscrapers rising from the bedrock below?

Remember the shock as the second tower was hit. Flames bursting out from all sides – the realization that this was no accident – the understanding that the unthinkable was happening before our very eyes, broadcast for all the world to see.

Remember thinking that this was the worst day of our lives, and soon realizing that it had merely just begun. A fire at the Pentagon? – no another plane on a perverted act of religious vengeance. Then a fourth down in Pennsylvania. Back to the smoking inferno in New York, we watched horrified as office workers, fleeing from the flames, stepped out onto a window ledge one hundred floors above, held hands, and jumped to their deaths, while far below firefighters and police ran into the fire and up the stairs in a valiant effort to rescue their fellow Americans.

Remember the utter despair as the first tower collapsed in on itself, the plume of smoke and debris filling lower Manhattan, only to be followed by the collapse of the second tower, completing the devastation of the financial district and crushing the spirit of America.

Remember the immediate aftermath – air traffic halted, the market tumbled, the fear of subsequent attacks hung in the air, and the economic stability of the country hung in the balance.

But this was America. Unwilling to surrender to fear, defiant and proud, led by the sheer bravado that is New York, the country began to rebound. They came from all across the great expanse of our land, professionals and volunteers, men and women, the rich and the poor, every race, creed and color, united by the common bond that is America. Flags were raised and the ruins were cleared. Offices and schools opened. The wheels of commerce once again began to turn.

In Queens a special part of American culture and tradition brought the Atlanta Braves and the New York Mets, bitter enemies, together on a ball field where rivalries were momentarily forgotten and players embraced. Emotions and tears flowed openly, starting with the opening pitch, continuing through Liza Minnelli’s passionate rendition of “New York, New York” in the seventh inning, and culminating in a storybook ending as Mike Piazza, the darling of the New York fans, won the game with a dramatic home run. At that moment it was clear that the Islamic terrorists had failed, and that America would rise up and reclaim its place at the top of the hill.

Remember the resolve as we mourned and buried our dead, united in prayer and purpose, and planned vengeance on those who would destroy us. There was a very special feeling coursing through the veins of the country then. All differences were set aside and political bickering was given a backseat as congress united, not as democrats and republicans, but as Americans.

Just as time heals all wounds, time also dampens our resolve. Vigilance gives way to complacency. Cooperation to partisanship. Volunteerism to entitlement. Leadership roles change, new agendas come into vogue, and the course of our country is altered. Where once we projected military might, we now drop our defenses and apologize for being the great country that we are. We coddle those who wish us harm and prosecute those who rose to the challenge and defense of the country in the face of pure evil. Traditions are jettisoned for a vague notion of change, and our sacred liberties are threatened by a soft tyranny that would transform the face of the nation we hold dear.

As we commemorate the events of 9-11, let us first mourn our dead, both the innocent victims and the heroic first responders who embodied all that is right with America. Let us remember the emotions and passions that wrenched us all on that faithful day – shock, fear, sorrow, despair – followed by rage, vengeance and resolve. Finally, let us also remain vigilant to all forces that would seek to destroy our nation, both via malicious intent or by misguided actions, both foreign and domestic, for we alone are the last defense of our liberties.

May God have mercy on the souls of those whose lives were lost on that tragic day, and may He continue to bless and to hold America close to his merciful heart.

Thank you.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Remember in November - Address to TMTP Independence Day Rally

Remember in November – A fitting theme for our Independence Day Rally in this historic election year, when the basic tenants of our American Republic, our God given rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, our founding principles, our Constitution and over two centuries of tradition and culture hang on the precipice, to either be hurled off the cliff into oblivion, or to be rescued by an awakened citizenry which has revolted against the soft tyranny of an administration uncomfortable with the greatness that is America.

But what exactly will we Remember in November?

Will we remember the arrogance of elected officials who defy the voice of the people?

Will we remember the demonization of all who would not march in lockstep with a regime whose every move seems antithetical to all that we believe in?

Will we remember an administration and a complicit congress intent on overloading the system with every crisis, with every piece of legislation, with every decree and with every lie so that an uneducated electorate nodded with approval at the notion that the only salvation was a larger, more oppressive, more intrusive government and a further erosion of our liberties?

Will we remember a president who apologized for America’s so-called arrogance, who embraced those sworn to destroy us while chastising our staunchest allies, and who placed political correctness and the coddling of our enemies above the lives of our courageous sons and daughters who place themselves in harm’s way daily for a cause they believe is far greater than any one man?

Will we remember the folly of a Homeland Security system that harasses old women, forces us to remove our shoes, endure long lines, turn over our nail clippers, hair gel and babies' milk yet allows a reported terror threat, buying a one-way ticket with cash, arriving without luggage but with explosives up his ass, to just prance on a plane and attempt to detonate a bomb?

Will we remember a government that continually failed to protect our borders, to enforce our laws and to honor its sacred obligation to protect the citizens of this country, while using the illegal immigrant issue to further divide our nation and garner votes?

Will we remember an administration that secretly rejoiced over the oil spill in the Gulf? A president who failed to act, who pontificated about who was to blame, who refused all offers of assistance, and who blatantly used this crisis to declare war on Big Oil, halt drilling in the Gulf, and further cripple our economy, in order to push forward his agenda for more government regulation, more bureaucracy, and more profits for George Soros and his other masters who are orchestrating the demise of America.

And finally, will we remember our anger, our frustration, our lust for revenge, our passion to correct all these wrongs and our undying commitment to return our beloved America to its former greatness?

Your damn right we will! And it will propel millions of patriots from coast to coast to the polling booths in November to throw out those whom we had trusted with our hopes, our dreams and our treasure, and who have squandered our children’s and grandchildren’s inheritance and the very future of our republic for their own selfish motives and their perverted socialist agenda.

But, is that enough? Is it really what we as Americans are truly about? Is it sufficient to just be against the current regime? Is it fulfilling enough to just say no, this must stop?

I suggest to you that this is not enough. I believe if we look into our heart of hearts, into our inner sanctum, deep into our very core as Americans, we all understand that this country, this dream, was exactly that – a dream, a vision, a hope for the future, a realization that a new nation could throw off all the old beliefs, all the old restraints, and be whatever it dreamed it could be. Once we professed our belief in God-given rights, unalienable rights, not subject to the whims of governments or men - once we understood that government derives its just powers from the people – once we opened the gates, there was nothing that could stand in our way.

And so, I suggest to you that we must remember far more in November than our opposition to what we are being forced to endure right now. We must remember who we are, why we so cherish our liberty, why we fight and die to bring this liberty to others, and why we came together from every corner of the globe to this blessed land and entered into a pact with a dream, a vision, an understanding of individual freedom, of personal responsibility, of limited government and of free markets. We must remember our heritage, our history, our tradition, for only there will we find our dreams for the future.

I think it is fitting that we are here today on July 3rd, giving us a day to think about our past, to reshape our vision, and to pay respect to all those who have made, and who continue to make, this dream a reality. In that regard, I ask you to indulge me and to join me in what comes next.

The men and women who have served this country and who continue to serve this country are the very backbone of our society – they are the deterrent that keeps us free – they are the tip of the sword that keeps our enemies at bay – they are America. I know that there are veterans here with us today, and I know that they have done, and will always do, anything for their country. I also know there are some things they don’t do.

They don’t speak out about their deeds, they don’t brag that they served, and do not ever seek recognition. I know that if I asked them to come forward to be recognized, they would be restrained by their humility and hesitant. But I know they would do anything for their fellow brothers and sisters who share their valor and commitment.

So I am going to ask all the veterans here today to please come forward for a moment. Come forward not only for yourselves, but come forward for all who have served before you, all who have given so much, all those by whose side you served, and all those who today stand in harm’s way so that we may enjoy our liberty. Come forward as representatives for all those who have cherished and defended freedom, from that lineage of warriors stretching from the Revolutionary War to those who serve today. Come forward for all those who cannot be here today.

To all the parents and grandparents here today, teach your children and grandchildren why we honor these veterans. Teach them our history, teach them of our sacrifices, and teach them of their obligations as citizens. Tell them what happens when we are not vigilant caretakers of our democracy. Make it clear to them that freedom is not free. Great words, but what do they mean? Show them pictures of the cemeteries throughout Europe and the Pacific filled with American graves. Take them to National Cemeteries honoring our veterans – let them try to fathom the endless rows of graves. Take them to the Vietnam Memorial – let them touch the names engraved in stone. Walk them through the WWII Memorial and through the sacred fields at Gettysburg, where 147 years ago today, 3 days of battle resulted in some 50,000 casualties. Show them what those words mean, “Freedom isn’t free.” Make it real; make it important, lest they ever forget.

And now, let me speak for all those here today, and for all Americans who understand the sacrifice you all have made. Let me speak for those who never served, but still share the boundless treasures you have all preserved for us. Let me speak for a people who find it beyond contempt that so many of our elected officials fail to pay our veterans and our troops the dignified respect that they earn each and every day. Let me say to you that “We, The People” honor you, and thank you for your sacrifices, and fully understand that we as a country, as a people, as a dream, would not exist today without the selfless, humble, and courageous efforts our military performs every day. Will everyone please join me in a sign of our everlasting love for those who keep us free?

And as these veterans return to the crowd, remember that they represent all the loved ones whom you know, those who are currently serving or those whom you have lost, so thank them, hug them, kiss them as if they were your own.

What is it that we do when celebrating the birthday of someone close, someone we love? We look back; we remember the milestones, the good times, the sad times, the memories that make us who we are.

Remember in November. Let’s remember how we got here. Think of the birth of our nation, the wild ideas put forth on paper by the brave activists who yearned for freedom. A Declaration of Independence from the global hegemony of the British Empire.

Think of the Baptism by Fire – the Revolutionary War. “Give me liberty or give me death.” An impossible fight, but then Americans were fighting for a dream. What followed was a more impossible victory, and an example, a promise, a hope to people around the world.

Think of the growing pains and the astounding accomplishments, the constant march westward, manifest destiny, bountiful resources to compliment unbounded motivation. Unlimited opportunity unbridled by constraints.

The Civil War – a nation torn apart over slavery. Brother fighting brother. But for the sheer will of one man, the nation would have divided, but Lincoln understood that he could not let the country break apart. What contrast to today’s president who seeks issues to divide Americans over class, race, and ideology.

The 20th Century – America emerges as the savior. The dream comes to fruition in what may be our greatest moment. Selfless sacrifice, unbridled industrial production, a call to serve a greater good, and twice the world thanks America for saving it from totalitarian control.

The post war years through today. Cultural change, social unrest, a welfare state and government corruption. The beginning of the decline of the rugged individual and the rise of bloated government bureaucracies. The demise of the Soviet Union and the rise of radical Islam. Different presidents, different policies and political division. Finally, here we are with a president who is not comfortable with American exceptionalism, and who has begun dismantling a once great republic.

You know we have all experienced the bittersweet emotions when celebrating the birthday of a loved one who has become dangerously ill. We remember the past, we laugh, we cry, and we wonder, how many more birthdays will we celebrate with our loved one.

We pray for them, we pray that the doctors and surgeons are up to the task. That they are the most educated, the best equipped and the most focused in their field, and that they will bring our loved one back to celebrate many more birthdays.

In the case of our country, we are the doctors, we are the surgeons. We can entrust this task to no one else. We must be completely aware of the facts, we must assemble the best team to support us and we must be completely focused on the task, lest we lose the patient.

But what will we find when we operate? Will we find a tumor which can be cut out and removed, leaving the patient to recover completely after a period of recuperation? Or will we find that the body has been infected, and the disease has spread to too many organs, making the chance of survival negligible?

What will we find when we go to the polls in November? Is the problem a corrupt group of politicians? Will ousting them bring our country back? Or is the problem deeper? Has the dependency and the selfishness of too great a portion of the electorate weakened the country too gravely for it to recover?

This is what we don’t know, and this is why I believe it is not enough to just be against the current administration and our non-representative incumbents. We must articulate the dream. We must promote a better America. We must be visionary, profess our vision boldly, and demonstrate that our vision will help everyone, both rich and poor, both business and worker, Americans of every race, creed, color, sexual orientation and political persuasion.

Remember in November – There are many ways to build a dream, to promote promise, to encourage prosperity. Democrats had a visionary JFK – Republicans had the great Ronald Reagan.

We all can recall the wonderful words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoken at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. There is something special, something mesmerizing in the cadence, the words, the inflections of a Southern Baptist minister, and Dr. King entranced the world with his speech.

So with apologies to Dr. King, this humble citizen standing here before you, who grew up on the streets of the Italian neighborhoods of Brooklyn, will try to emulate Dr. King, and hopefully will leave you with a vision we can promote, a promise we can spread, and a dream we can remember all the way to November.

Let me say to you my friends, that despite the frustrations, and fears we have witnessed over the last 18 months, I still have a dream that is America.

I have a dream that this nation still possesses the fortitude to rebound from the damage done to it by those we elected to office.

I have a dream that We The People will raise our voices, reclaim our inheritance, and nurture it for future generations.

I have a dream that the Constitution will withstand the attack upon it by those entrusted to protect it, and remain the law of the land, guaranteeing freedoms and opportunities to all.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day we will rid Washington of the charlatans, thugs, and hacks who have kidnapped this great nation and replace them with honest, humble statesmen, who will serve the people for a few years and then return to their lives as productive citizens

I have a dream

I have a dream that those who have lived off the public dole for generation after generation will realize that their government has enslaved them and denied them their self respect, and that they will put those outstretched hands to honest work, reclaim their human dignity and be content to provide for their families by the sweat of their brow and the fruits of their labor

I have a dream

I have a dream that our children and our grandchildren will inherit this wonderful dream that is America, which was preserved and nurtured for us by our parents and grandparents, and by the blood and sacrifice of generations of Americans

I have a dream

I have a dream that our leaders, inspired by the greatness of the American people, will return our country to its rightful place as a beacon of hope for the world – that we will recognize our enemies and strike fear in their hearts, while embracing our allies and providing each other with mutual support

I have a dream

I have a dream that our future leaders will end bureaucratic interference and suffocating regulation, encourage free markets and allow American enterprise to flourish once again, increasing prosperity and jobs for all Americans

I have a dream

I have a dream that America will once again embrace the notion that we are a nation blessed by our creator, and as such remember we have a special role to play in the world, to be an example of goodness, charity and morality, I have a dream.

But if this dream is to be, then we must, each and every one of us, take up this cause, devote our time, and focus our resolve. We must shout as one and our voices must ring out.

From the concrete canyons of Manhattan to the Great Plains of Nebraska, raise your voices high

From the Redwood Forests to the Florida Keys, raise your voices high

From the Town Hall on Main Street to the Halls of Congress, raise your voices high

And when this happens, when our voices are heard, we will rescue our nation, we will reclaim our heritage, we will right this ship and guide her forward to once again provide opportunity and liberty for all

So let us here today mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor, in defense of this bountiful land and this wonderful dream. So let us pray

God Bless this land!

God Bless this land!

Please God almighty, Please, Bless this land!

Thank you.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

D-Day - A Fading Dream of American Greatness

On June 6, 1944, under the leadership of Supreme Allied Commander Dwight David Eisenhower, American and Allied troops began the massive invasion of Western Europe that would turn the tide of WWII.

Operation Overlord was a bold and risk-filled operation to land over 150,000 troops on the beaches of Normandy against fortified German positions and the Atlantic Wall defenses designed to thwart such an attack.

Led by a nation founded not two centuries earlier under the ideals of individual liberty, self determination and the principle that government derives its power from the consent of the people, the allied forces overcame overwhelming obstacles and began to turn back the German tide, leading to the eventual rescue of Europe from Hitler’s Wehrmacht. Storming the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword, thousands gave the ultimate sacrifice and countless thousands more became casualties in the fights for freedom.

This was indeed a time of American greatness. Our leaders understood who we were, what we stood for, and what our role was. Our enemies were clearly defined, and their destruction was paramount, unclouded by political correctness, misguided compassion or liberal philosophical appeasement.

American greatness has flourished under such men who knew what had to be done and did it. Consider for a moment the course of history if American presidents had waivered in the face of their sacred duty. Consider FDR hoping to reason with Hitler, Truman refusing the use the bomb at the expense of thousands more American lives in the Pacific, JFK relying on UN sanctions against the Soviet missiles being deployed in Cuba, Reagan refusing to challenge and bankrupt the USSR in an arms and defense buildup, Bush I appeasing Hussein and becoming hostage to mid-east oil prices, or Bush II not answering the 9-11 attack and taking the fight to our enemies.

American military power, no matter how overwhelming it may be, is useless when the commander-in-chief does not possess the capacity or the will to use it. It is an insult to all those who have sacrificed in the past, and all those who serve valiantly today when their president is uncomfortable with the notion of American exceptionalism.

Contrast those leaders who have successfully guided us in times of war with the ineptitude and feckless pandering that is Barack Obama. He has made overtures to the Muslim world, embracing the Saudis and the Turks (who have moved away from their secular society and towards Islam.) He has been sympathetic to Palestinian demands and he has snubbed our only ally in the mid-east, Israel, while refusing to even acknowledge that we are fighting a war against Islamic terrorists. At the same time he denounces the Judeo-Christian roots of our country and classifies religious Christians as terror threats.

His foreign policy blunders include rescinding agreements for missile defense to our allies in Eastern Europe, cutting back on our nuclear arsenal, imposing impossible rules of engagement on our military and crippling our intelligence agencies. He has squandered his presidency by attempting to reason with, and then talk tough to, Iran, while the Islamic Theocracy moves closer to attaining nuclear arms, which will fundamentally change the face of politics and power in the mid-east.

Mr. Obama, whether or not you realize it, the actions, inactions and the words of the president of the United States have real consequences. You have failed in your one main responsibility which is to safeguard the citizens of our nation. While you bloviate about social justice, trample the constitution, bankrupt our economy, refuse to protect our borders and erode the God given liberties which each of us possess, you have allowed the world to become a much more dangerous place.

Taking a cue from your apparent belief that all nations are equal and that there is nothing exceptional about America, and that indeed, in your mind, America is more the problem than the solution, rogue nations have been embrazened to test our resolve. North Korea has felt secure in provoking South Korea by sinking one of its ships. Iran laughs in your face and continues to develop nuclear weapons. Is there any doubt that those weapons, once developed, will be given to terrorists who will transport them across our porous borders and into American cities? Do you doubt that those weapons will enable Iran to become the preeminent power in the mid-east and curtail the flow of the oil we so depend on?

We have seen Turkey shift to the support of Islamic extremists and assist in a sham blockade-run in Israel to turn world opinion, already slanted by the anti-Semitic hatred propagated throughout the UN, even more belligerent against the only democracy in the mid-east.

Here in America we have witnessed a massacre on a military base and attempted terrorist attacks in our cities. We have seen terrorists coddled and intelligence operatives chastised. The citizens of Arizona are ridiculed as racists by their president when they try to protect themselves against millions of illegal aliens because you, and other administrations before yours, have put politics and political correctness ahead of your sacred duty to protect the citizens of this country. You, and the military leaders who have forsaken the welfare of those under their command in order to appear politically pure to their civilian masters, have concerned yourselves with such minutiae as smoking rules, sexual orientation, and the rights of enemies rather than supplying those brave men and women who put their lives on the line for our freedom with the very best equipment, support and command structure available, and taking the gloves off and allowing them to achieve the objectives of securing the citizens of America without the political baggage that hampers their every move.

America as we know it is slipping away. As we have seen, it only takes a short time and the actions of a one man, along with a liberal congress, elected in a perfect storm of circumstances, by a selfish, uneducated electorate, to undo years of greatness.

We must all remember the sacrifices made by those brave men sixty six years ago, on foreign shores for people they did not know, because of a belief in a dream called America, and the virtues espoused by those who proudly called themselves Americans. Teach your children and grandchildren about those men and about our history – we cannot depend on our schools or on the revisionist history that seeps into our classrooms. If we fail to teach, if we fail to act, if we fail to reverse the travesties being perpetrated on our society by this administration, if we fail to change congress this November, then D-Day, and all of the greatness that we remember as America will seem a nebulous dream, a memory of a time that once was, but is no more.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Address to The Morristown Tea Party Tax Day Rally

There are many ways to communicate. Some can articulate facts and figures to demonstrate a point, convey a message, or reach an audience as we have seen done so eloquently by the speakers here today. Others, myself included, are better suited to the telling of stories, replete with imagery, metaphors, passion and emotion. So, if you will indulge me, let us begin.

It is safe to say that we really never know where life will take us. It was the transformative years of the 1960s. A time of profound change in America – the metamorphosis of the family-oriented innocence of the post war 50s – Ozzie & Harriet, Lucy, baseball and apple pie – America as that Shining City on the Hill, into an era of anti-establishment activism, sex, drugs and rock and roll, complete with all the demonstrations against The Viet Nam War, Nixon, and all the traditions and mores that had shaped America through the previous two centuries. It was a time that forged the future liberal activists, who honed their rhetorical skills, blamed America for the troubles of the world, and adopted the socialist leanings that were being fomented by those who sought the destruction of our society.

It was during this period, in a quiet Brooklyn neighborhood, that a group of teenagers came together, and through that unique set of circumstances that happens only once in a very long time, formed bonds that would last a lifetime.

My story involves two young men from that special group, both the products of well grounded families, complete with all the traditions of Italian-Americans growing up in New York. They hung out together, played together, and managed somehow, to avoid any real serious trouble in their adventures. Every Friday afternoon they would cut out of their college classes, drive up to Greenwood Lake, NY and party. Too much drinking, too much carousing, and thanks to a merciful God, every Monday they managed to arrive back home for another week of school and work in one piece.

They met their wives, started their families and went out to make their mark in the world. They shared the joys of children, comforted each other at the loss of a parent, and enjoyed the American Dream .

The shifting sand of American politics drew them both out of the quiet comfort of everyday life, and compelled them to become active in the current struggle to safeguard our freedoms from an overreaching government. And now, some 45 years after they met, the fates have decided that they should assume another role.

So today, on this 15th day of April, in the year of our Lord 2010, the year that will mark the most pivotal election in modern day America, my dear friend, Frank Santarpia, co-founder of the Staten Island Tea Party, will be speaking to the crowds at a Rally in New York, while I, his friend Nico, am honored to be speaking to all you patriots here on this historic Green, at the Crossroads of the Revolution. No, you really never know where life will lead you.

So, let me speak as a citizen who feels it deep in his gut that something, that many things are wrong. Let me speak with passion and resolve. Let me speak for the generations of Americans who played by the rules, loved and cherished their freedom, and preserved the life we all inherited. Let me speak for my grandparents, who came to this land of boundless opportunity, worked hard, invested in their new found country and left their children with a better life. Let me speak for my parents, who took that wonderful gift from their parents, nurtured it, sacrificed, and passed on a brighter future for me. Let me speak for my children who may yet see the dream perish during their lifetime and finally let me speak for my grandson, who entered this life 2 months ago, already straddled with a debt incurred by our politicians’ unconscionable spending, his future mortgaged for their selfish ambitions, and his generation in jeopardy of growing up in an America far different from the one we have all taken for granted for far too long.

I have one and only one reason to stand here today on this historic Green, and that is motivate you to action – to touch your heart and your mind – to inspire your spirit, your very being as an American patriot. If you are already engaged, find the time and energy to do more. If you are not involved with the rescue of our country – your country – get involved today - or get out of the way, because there is a tsunami of pent up anger, resentment, passion and resolve about to break on the political shore and it will surely change the landscape in Washington and all across the fruited plain.

In 1964 Bob Dylan released a song that struck a chord in the hearts and minds of a changing generation. “The Times They Are A Changin” was taken up as a theme against the establishment, a tome emblematic of the voice of the people, with lyrics meant to tell the older generation that they did not understand the younger generation. A warning to those in power that the established order was about to change:

Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’

The times were changing, and the seeds of radicalism planted back in the 60’s, and nurtured through the decades by the liberals who have controlled academia, manipulated the media, and now have a strangle hold on government, have now been harvested by an administration uncomfortable with the idea of American greatness, and determined to change the very fabric of our society.

We have all seen a constant erosion of our liberties over the decades, but the changes were incremental and we were all too busy raising our families and contributing to society to take notice, until this president decided that he was the Chosen One and he would complete the transformation of our capitalist, free market society into a socialist utopia in one felt swoop.

The only problem was that in his haste to undo two centuries of American history and culture, he awakened an electorate which will not stand idly by and see its freedom eviscerated by a regime of political hacks and thugs.

So those lyrics, so appropriate in 1964, still ring true today, for once again, as the pendulum begins its long arc back, The Times They Are a Changin.

Let me continue with the words Dylan penned so many years ago.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’

As we move forward, we have to realize that elections have consequences. In the last presidential election we allowed a smooth talking charlatan to mesmerize the young, well intentioned voters, and to buy off the ever increasing masses who have been taught to do as their political masters ask in return for a handout. They all forfeited a piece of their liberties, in fact a piece of all our liberties, for a nebulous promise of change. The consequences are all too many and all too clear:

We have seen government takeover of the auto, banking, and health sectors of our economy in a blatant attempt to dismantle our free market economy

We have seen government takeover of the education system via the total control of student loans. Can we doubt that bureaucracies who control the purse strings of student loans will determine which schools are favored, which professions are encouraged and which others are discouraged, which groups will receive more favorable terms and which will bear the burden of repayment? What better way to control the future than to steer jobs away from the private sector and into government positions, to determine which professions are politically correct and which grants are approved or disapproved?

We have seen government trampling of contract law in favor of union payoffs for their political patronage.

We have seen Czars determining appropriate pay scales, benefits, and profits in lieu of traditional meritocracy and market forces.

We have seen undisciplined spending that has mortgaged our children’s and our grandchildren’s future and made us beholden to foreign nations who have purchased our debt.

So many consequences, so much damage, and all for one misguided election. Let us vow here today that we will always remain vigilant and never allow such a travesty to ever happen again.

Let me make one point before I proceed. I’m going to be making some strong remarks and use some metaphors about getting rid of some of our elected officials. Understand that I am speaking of ending their political careers and doing so via the law and the vote. Do not for a minute translate what I say as condoning violence or any other illegal or inappropriate activity. We are a nation of laws, and if you are here today, you surely understand and respect that basic fact.

If you’re not quite sure that we need to change the face of congress, let’s just take a look at the whole Health Reform fiasco and how it played out before our very eyes.

Now, speaking of the Health Care legislation, let me start by asking you, “How does it feel to be screwed by your government?” Not wined and dined, not softly caressed – but assaulted. They promised us we would like it once we got it, so now that they have had their way with us, what do you think? Tell me, was it good for you?

Oh they tried to seduce us early on, but we weren’t buying any of it, and we felt secure behind the age old walls of protections built by our Founding Fathers and meticulously maintained from generation to generation by the vigilance and blood of our forefathers. We had elected gatekeepers who represented us and who would bar the gates against these lust-hungry brigands who would do us harm. Finally we had our rule of law, our constitution, and the time honored traditions that have made America great.

But they would not be placated unless they satisfied their passion for power so they plotted on. Little by little they dismantled the wall of protection, a piece here, then a section there. They bribed the gatekeepers, trampled the Constitution and battered down the doors on a lazy Sunday evening.

Wild with desire they pounced on the American people. No soft music, no pretentions of love, just the pillage of the American citizen. They had their way with us, vile and cruel, intent only upon their own self- satisfaction, leaving us battered and bruised, but not broken. So here we sit, mending our wounds while they revel in ecstasy over their new found power. What are we to do?

If we remain here, placid and docile we know what awaits. Having experienced this lustful high, they will be back - these barbaric pillagers of the Republic masquerading as statesman. They will abuse us again and again, bleed us dry, and when they’re done with us they’ll go after our children, our families, our friends.

We have only one choice. Rise up and regroup. Turn the tables – let the hunter be the hunted. Now is our time to hunt them down like the dogs that they are and end their political careers. We’ll hunt them collectively across the country and we’ll hunt them in packs in every state, in every county, in every district and town. Vigilante gangs? - wild mobs? – Oh, they’ll call us all that and more, but they set the terms, they trampled the law, they set the rules of engagement and until now, they did it with impunity.

Don’t tread lightly, don’t hide in shadows – take this fight out into the light of day. Let them know they are being stalked, they are being hunted, and that the date on which their political careers will be terminated has been set as November 2, 2010.

America has been fundamentally changed as promised. All we can do is pick up the pieces and begin the rebuilding, but for that to happen the elected class of our country must be rounded up, branded as traitors and villains, and run out of politics forever, and not just those who supported this destruction of our country, but likewise all those who stood idly by and allowed it to happen.

It is the people that make America great, not the political class. We would do well to start over with the blueprint laid out by the founders and with a new, dedicated, humble group of individuals who are willing to come to Washington to serve the American people for a limited term, and then to return home to their families, their work and their obligations as citizens.

Our resolve must be steadfast, our need for revenge insatiable, and our hunt relentless. The beast is loose. It has tasted blood and craves more. The taxpaying citizens are its prey and it is coming. We must be vigilant, we must make whatever sacrifices are required, and we must stop this beast, once and for all, lest its ravenous hunger devour all that we love.

But, the question remains, How do we do this? What’s next?

The American people, especially those of us who espouse the conservative principles of personal responsibility, individual liberty, limited government and free markets are a patient people, busy contributing to society and to the economy, raising our families, paying our taxes and steering clear of the political arena, but through the actions of this president, his administration and a complicit congress, we now find ourselves pushed beyond the breaking point and our wrath, directed at our elected officials, for their arrogant rape of our economy, culture, tradition and our very way of life should be all consuming and unquenchable.

For anyone who thought that their vote didn’t matter, that their voice would not be heard, we need only look at the elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, and despite the passage of the Health Reform legislation, which I just railed on about, we did make a difference. This legislation was supposed to breeze through congress last fall when the president had positive approval ratings and congress was not as despised as it is today. By constantly pushing back, the people forced the administration and congress to resort to blatant bribery, coercion, kickbacks and procedures so convoluted and despicable that the vast majority of American citizens were repulsed by what they saw. Tremendous political capital had to be expended, and approval ratings tanked by the time they carried this abomination over the finish line.

It was not moderate democrats, it was not republicans and it was not independents who stalled the tide of this liberal agenda. It was the voice of the people, as raised through the grassroots movement of the Tea Parties that has proven to be the only safeguard against this administration’s bankrupt agenda.

Back to the question “What can we do?”

TMTP has begun a program called the Small Groups. In its simplest terms we are encouraging people to begin to host small gatherings of friends, family, neighbors and co-workers in their homes to discuss issues, share ideas, and take action such as writing letters, making phone calls, researching candidates and becoming active participants in the primaries and mobilizing for the November elections. We are providing educational materials and resources, encouraging people to speak in groups, and providing moral support. Topics, decisions and actions are all determined by the individual groups; we are only encouraging citizens to explore different venues of action. I have been handling this program, meeting with the participants and helping them get started. We have groups forming throughout the area in Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Essex counties.

I encourage you to consider hosting or joining one of these groups. There is a tremendous synergy within each group, and the 50+ people who are now actively engaged in putting this together have formed unique bonds with people they didn’t even know a few weeks ago.

Please stop by the education booth and pick up a flyer for the Small Groups. There is contact information on the flyer.

I think we have all experienced the crippling effect that frustration and anger can have on our lives as we watch the daily exploits of the Obama regime. Let me share something with you to help you manage that pent up angst that we’ve all been experiencing over the past year. Follow me on this.

When you go home today, I’d like you to find a little jar, take it with you, and find a quiet spot where you can be alone. Then I want you to pick a topic – let’s use Health Reform for our example. Think back to how this came about. Think of how you felt when you heard about the breadth and depth of 2000+ pages of legislation. Think about the payoffs, the bribes – the Louisiana Purchase – the Cornhusker Kickback – sweetheart deals for unions while the rest of us get screwed. Think about “passing the bill without voting on the bill.” If you watched the final proceedings, think of that Sunday night and the hours leading up to the final vote. John Boehner’s impassioned speech against the bill. Nancy Pelosi, incapable of putting two coherent words together, giddy with excitement – telling us what a wonderful thing they were doing for the American people. Bart Stupak selling out the lives of unborn children for chump change and a worthless piece of paper from the most anti-life president who supports even the most heinous act of partial birth abortion.

Remember your elected officials celebrating their power and President Obama, arrogant and smug, contemplating his place in history, all at the expense of the American people.

Now, when you’re just about to scream - when the veins in your neck are ready to burst, open that jar and breathe all that anger, all that frustration into it and seal it up. Then place the jar on the kitchen counter where you’re sure to see it and get on with your life. But every Sunday evening go to your jar, open it and take a small breath of anger then seal it up again. Don’t inhale too much, it’s got to last until November. You don’t want to forget how angry you were. And along the way, when they bring up Cap & Trade, when they bring up amnesty for illegal immigrants so that they can add them to their voting block, when they continue to trample the constitution, when they continue to squander you children’s future, take that anger and put it in your jar. Don’t let it cripple you, don’t let it destroy your life - But let it be a reminder – don’t ever forget how you felt – don’t ever let this happen again.

I would be remiss if I didn’t relate a short story about our veterans that really had an impact on me, leaving me with tears in my eyes. A few months ago I attended a wake for someone who was a member of my Knights of Columbus Council. Jack was an older man, well into his 80s, and as is the custom in our council and in my faith, a number of Brother Knights gather beside the coffin to pray the rosary for Jack’s soul, and for the comfort of his family. It’s always a touching ceremony, and one we unfortunately have to perform too often.

When we were done I took a seat and noticed a group of elderly gentlemen enter the room. They were all in their 80s and you could see that many needed help just walking up to the coffin. Then I noticed the VFW caps and watched the transformation as the leader of the group called them to attention before the flag-drapped coffin. No longer were these old men who could hardly walk. They came to attention, ramrod straight, with honor and dignity to pay respect to a fellow American to whom they were bonded by a love of country and a commitment to the dream that is America.

I could not imagine any one of them apologizing for this country. I could not imagine any one of them asking for a handout, an entitlement, or for someone else to carry their load. These are real Americans and if, God willing, there is still enough of their good stock and lineage in today’s citizens, there is indeed hope for our republic.

You know, when I think of great men and women like those veterans at Jack’s wake, and when I think of the words “duty and honor” and “love of country”, I wonder why it is that we who are here, exercising our civic duty, raising our voices, participating in our political process as the Founders would have hoped for, are so demonized by the Left and their propaganda machine, the media.

As I stand here at this podium today I don’t see the angry mobs, the rabble, the racist, xenophobic, gun-toting, religious, right wing extremists I was told would be here. I see no white hoods, no burning crosses, no pitchforks and no militia.

What I do see are proud citizens who will not watch their liberties be taken from them by the very people we elected to safeguard those liberties. I see brave people as we have always seen throughout the ages. I see the Spartans at Thermopylae, facing certain death, yet forming the last line of defense against Xerxes Persian army. I see William Wallace standing against the King of England to protect his people’s freedom. I see boatloads of oppressed people crossing the ocean to come to a strange land where they would be left alone, to practice their faith without oppression.

I see colonists at Lexington and Concord, in Boston Harbor, and throughout the New World standing tall against the British Army. I see wave upon wave of Americans who so value liberty that they storm the beaches at Normandy, battle their way onto Okinawa and mass in a desert to bring freedom to strangers around the globe. And finally I see our brothers in sisters in New York, with their unshakable spirit and their boundless bravado, rising from the ashes to rebuild their beloved city, inspire their country and reclaim their lives, while spitting in the faces of the terrorists who despise the very liberty that makes us Americans. Stand proud my friends – If the Left didn’t think we were making a difference they would not bother with the vile and vitriol that they heap upon us. Take every insult and wear it as a badge of honor.

Now, Let’s get real – if you’re here, you’re interested and concerned for your country. As I said in the beginning, if you’re involved, get more involved – if you’re not, what are you waiting for? Look into this Small Groups Program – it’s an excellent way to keep abreast of what’s happening, have the support of other like minded individuals, and at least feel that you’re doing something. Don’t leave this to the next guy – take a chance – consider it your civic duty.

If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about this, and that’s perfectly natural, let me ask you this: If you knew someone was going to do something that would make the life of your child or grandchild more difficult – if you knew they were trying to rob your child or grandchild of the American dream that your parents and grandparents protected and nurtured for you, is there anything that you would not do to stop that from happening? Well guess what? They are out there right now – your elected officials – those people to whom we have entrusted the stewardship of our constitution, our republic, our liberties, our very way of life, and they are squandering the inheritance of your children and grandchildren.

If you do nothing you can’t complain. If you try, if you do everything that you can, then no matter what the outcome, you will be able to look future generations in the eye and say “Damn it, I tried! I did everything I could possibly do.”

The time is now. This election cycle will determine the face of America for decades to come. Will we remain the beacon of liberty? Will we continue to exist as a capitalist, free market society where opportunity abounds and everyman can achieve whatever it is he is willing to work for? Or will we become another European Socialist nanny state – giving up our freedoms, our opportunities, our future to a state that promises, equality at the lowest common denominator, equality of misery, and equality of servitude.

The stakes here are extremely high. We have all been blessed to be here, in this great country, with all of our God-given rights and liberties guaranteed by a sacred document penned by our Founding Fathers – brilliant men – brave men – patriots and activists who put everything on the line for an idea that would become America. Generations before us have stepped forward to safeguard these rights, both for us here at home, and for strangers across the globe.

Now it’s our time to act – to give just a little bit of our time and step a little bit out of our comfort zone. The choice here is simple. If not you, then who? So, please, pick up the gauntlet and stand up and be counted. We have been given our republic – now let’s prove that we can keep it. Thank you.

May God Bless America.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

So Tell Me, Was It Good For You?

So how does it feel to be screwed by your government? Not wined and dined, not softly caressed – but brutally and violently raped. Tell me, was it good for you? They promised us we would like it once we got it, so now that they have had their way with us, what do you think?

Oh they tried to seduce us early on, but we weren’t buying any of it, and we felt secure behind the age old walls of protections built by our Founding Fathers and meticulously maintained from generation to generation by the vigilance and blood of our forefathers. We had gatekeepers who represented us and who would bar the gates against the lust-hungry brigands who would do us harm. Finally we had our rule of law, our constitution, and the time honored traditions that have made America great.

But they would not be placated unless they satisfied their passion for power so they plotted on. Little by little they dismantled the wall of protection, a piece here, then a section there. They bribed the gatekeepers, trampled the Constitution and battered down the doors on a lazy Sunday evening.

Wild with desire they pounced on the American people. No soft music, no pretentions of love, just a savage rape of the citizens. They had their way with us, vile and cruel, intent only upon their own self- satisfaction, leaving us battered and bruised, dirty and shamed, but not broken.

So here we sit, chained to the bed while they revel in orgasmic ecstasy over their new found power. What are we to do?

If we remain here, placid and docile we know what awaits. Having experienced this lustful high, they will be back. Barbaric pillagers of the Republic masquerading as statesman. They will abuse us again and again, bleed us dry, and when they’re done with us they’ll go after our children, our families, our friends.

We have only one choice. Break the chains – cut off the limb that’s chained if you have to – and regroup. Turn the tables – let the hunter be the hunted. Now is our time to hunt them down like the dogs that they are and kill their political careers. We’ll hunt them collectively across the country and we’ll hunt them in packs in every state, in every county, in every district and town. Vigilante gangs - wild mobs – they’ll call us all that and more, but they set the terms, they threw away the rulebook, they set the rules of engagement and until now, they did it with impunity.

Don’t tread lightly, don’t hide in shadows – take this fight out into the sunshine. Let them know they are being stalked, they are being hunted, and the date of their political execution has been set as November 2, 2010.

America has been fundamentally changed as promised. All we can do is pick up the pieces and begin the rebuilding, but for that to happen the elected class of our country must be rounded up, branded as traitors and villains, and run out of politics forever, and not just those who supported this destruction of our country, but likewise all those who stood idly by and allowed it to happen.

It is the people that make America great, not the political class. We would do well to start over with the blueprint laid out by the founders and with a new, dedicated, humble group of individuals who are willing to come to Washington to serve the American people for one term, and then to return home to their families, their work and their obligations as citizens.

Our resolve must be steadfast, our need for revenge insatiable, and our hunt relentless. The beast is loose. It has tasted blood and craves more. The taxpaying citizens are its prey and it is coming. We must be vigilant, we must make whatever sacrifices are required, and we must kill this beast, once and for all, lest its ravenous hunger devour all that we love.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Address to TMTP - Small Group Program

The question we hear frequently these days is “What’s next for the Tea Party Movement?” A strange question for a phenomenon that did not even exist a scant year ago, but a question that we need to address in election year 2010. Let me preface my answer to this question with two quotes by Jefferson.

"(When) corruption... has prevailed in those offices (of) government and (has) so familiarized itself as that men otherwise honest could look on it without horror... (then we must) be alive to the suppression of their odious practice and ...bring punishment and brand with eternal disgrace every man guilty of it, whatever his station." Thomas Jefferson to W.C.C. Claiborne, 1804.

I suggest that most of us would believe that we have indeed come to a point in our history when Jefferson’s words are a clear statement of what we as patriots and citizens of this great nation must be prepared to do. We have seen a corruption of our constitution, blatant disregard for the will of the American people and undisciplined spending by our elected officials that will bankrupt our country, burden our children and grandchildren, lead to the weakening of America’s prestige on the global stage and ultimately contribute to the erosion of our liberties.

The second quote that pertains to my remarks is simple, straightforward and clearly indicative of the past attitude of the American electorate:

"Lethargy (is) the forerunner of death to the public liberty." Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787.

I am quite certain that all of you have taken this to heart or you would not have become educated, active and committed to the salvation of our republic, and you would not be here tonight.

The American people, especially those of us who espouse the conservative principles of personal responsibility, individual liberty, limited government and free markets are a patient people, busy contributing to society and to the economy, raising our families, paying our taxes and steering clear of the political arena, but through the recent actions of a president, his administration and a complicit congress, we now find ourselves pushed beyond the breaking point and our wrath, directed at our elected officials, for their arrogant rape of our economy, culture, tradition and our very way of life should be all consuming and unquenchable.

For anyone who thought that their vote didn’t matter, that their voice would not be heard, we need only look at the elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, and at the fiasco that the Health Care Reform legislation, which was to have been passed months ago, has become. It was not moderate democrats, it was not republicans and it was not independents who stemmed the tide of this liberal agenda. It was the voice of the people, as raised through the grassroots movement of the Tea Parties that has proven to be the only safeguard against this administration’s bankrupt agenda.

So back to the question, “What’s next?” A short while ago Rich Luzzi raised the idea of “Small Group Tea Parties.” Over the course of the last few weeks I have been asked to put this program together and to run with it. If you consider the original Tea Party movement a Grassroots activity, then picture these small groups as a reseeding or fertilizing of the initial program.

We’re at a point where this year’s elections may well be the most significant in our nation’s history. We can, with some effort and perseverance, directly influence the primaries, to assure conservative minded candidates, and the general election, when the entire House and one third of the Senate will be up for election.

Now, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of this initiative. How will this work? We’re looking for some of you who are here tonight to step up, move a little bit out of your comfort zone, and take a more prominent role in educating your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and acquaintances to what is happening in the country, and what we can do as citizens.

We want to keep this real simple – just a few friends gathering to discuss important issues facing the nation. We ask that you consider hosting a small group in your home – maybe 4-5 people who are like minded and who you know, and are comfortable talking to – people who understand the problems, others who are undecided or uneducated, and still others who think “My voice doesn’t count” - we’re not interested in trying to convert die hard liberal ideologues.

I, and other members of TMTP, will assist you, we’ll come to the meetings, make some opening remarks, prepare some educational literature for you to use and suggest some topics which may be of interest to the group such as undisciplined spending, destruction of our free market economy, redistribution of wealth, increasing government intervention into our lives, weakening of national security and the erosion of our liberties. After that, we would hope for nothing more than some low key conversation, discussing issues, sharing opinions, maybe suggesting some action such as contacting our elected officials, researching candidates for the primaries and motivating others to become active in the upcoming elections – basically picking up more conservative votes, one person at a time.

We would hope that you would continue to meet on a schedule that suits you and your group; each time inviting more members as the sphere of influence expands – eventually breaking your group into multiple groups with multiple hosts, in effect reseeding the bald spots in the grassroots lawn that is the Tea Parties.

We would also hope that your group would consider coming to TMTP meetings – there is a great synergy in being surrounded by a hundred or so other regular guys and gals who feel the same as you do about the condition of the country, and also attending TMTP rallies with thousands of other patriots.

Now, let’s get real here – if you’re here, you’re interested and concerned for your country. Don’t leave this to the next guy – take a chance – consider it your civic duty. If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about this, and that’s perfectly natural, let me ask you this: If you knew someone was going to do something that would make the life of your child or grandchild more difficult – if you knew they were trying to rob your child or grandchild of the American dream that your parents and grandparents protected and nurtured for you, is there anything that you would not do to stop that from happening? Well guess what? They are out there right now – your elected officials – those people to whom we have entrusted the stewardship of our constitution, our republic, our liberties, our very way of life, and they are squandering the inheritance of your children and grandchildren.

I have a signup sheet right here, and after this meeting I will remain here to answer your questions. I will arrange to meet with all of you who step up, and I will try to make this as simple and as non-threatening as possible, but remember, this is your country and you are the last hope of saving everything that you hold dear. If you do nothing you can’t complain. If you try, if you do everything that you can, then no matter what the outcome, you will be able to look future generations in the eye and say “Damn it, I tried! I did everything I could possibly do.”

The stakes here are extremely high. We have all been blessed to be here, in this great country, with all of our God-given rights and liberties guaranteed by a sacred document penned by our Founding Fathers – brilliant men – brave men – patriots and activists who put everything on the line for an idea that would become America. Generations before us have stepped forward to safeguard these rights, both for us here at home, and for strangers across the globe. Now it’s our time to act – to give just a little bit of our time and step a little bit out of our comfort zone. The choice here is simple. If not you, then who? So, please, pick up the gauntlet and stand up and be counted. We have been given our republic – now let’s prove that we can keep it. Thank you for your time.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Representative government, my ass........

On Wednesday evening we all witnessed an historic event heretofore unseen by man or God. The Great Barack Obama stood in his all royal splendor in the House Chamber, before Congress, the Justices of the Supreme Court, assorted cabinet members, Czars, myriad minions, bureaucrats, political hacks and millions of Americans watching via TV, and proclaimed himself King and Savior, Ruler by Divine Providence.
As he enumerated his multiple accomplishments, his enlightened governance, his messianic salvation of a world previously blighted by the combined evils of conservatism and capitalism, all of history waned in his shadow. Pharaoh, Caesar, the Sun King, Jefferson, Lincoln, Churchill, and Christ rising from the tomb all paled in the glow of glory in which the Great Obama cloaked himself as he delivered the State of the Union Address.

As the politically bankrupt liberal establishment, the co-opted main stream media, and the throngs of unproductive leeches of society, their hands extended for entitlements paid for by the sweat of our brows, drooled in orgasmic rapture at the lies and fables being spun by the charismatic charlatan masquerading as the leader of the free world, let us examine the wake of destruction that has been left as a result of his mission to transform America into a socialist state by translating his remarks into reality:

“My fellow Americans, let me preface what I am about to say by reminding you that before I even entered the door of the White House the previous administration had left this country on the verge of collapse, straddled with two wars, an economic meltdown and diminished standing on the global stage, so don’t even think about blaming me for the condition the country is in.”

“For too long America has burdened under the oppression of an outdated Constitution, foisted its arrogance and hegemony on an impoverished world, and witnessed a disparity of wealth perpetrated by our capitalistic free market economy. Let me assure you, those days are over.”

“Under my guidance, my administration has enacted a series of actions to change the course of America, so let me assure you, the worst has passed, and we will now move ahead with our agenda which is designed to gut our economy, transfer wealth, bankrupt both this generation and those of our children and grandchildren, and dismantle private industry.”

“On the domestic economic front, we have declared all-out war on free market capitalism. We have, in the span of one year, managed to replace private enterprise with government bureaucracies in the banking, automotive and investment segments of our economy. On the automotive front we have managed to suspend contract law and strong arm investors so that your government now has control of GM and Chrysler, and has rewarded the automotive unions for their support of our administration with sweetheart deals and a controlling interest in the future of these companies. Our bureaucrats, with no background in the automotive industry, no successful business acumen, and not a trace of entrepreneurial savvy will now determine the direction of the American auto industry. We will impose our environmental standards, without benefit of proof or economic sustainability, on the types of cars that will compete on the global stage.”

“With regard to the banking and finance industries, we will now appoint czars, with no constitutional authority, to decide to whom loans should or should not be granted, and to determine appropriate salaries, bonuses and other compensation packages with an eye toward equality of results with no regard for abilities, success or effort. Of course this will undermine the ability of these organizations to hire and hold the most successful candidates in their respective positions, but it will provide those who cannot successfully compete a feeling of self worth and accomplishment. This exercise in salary and bonus manipulation and control will, of course, in due time trickle down to all industries and all positions until the federal government has full authority to regulate pay scales, incentives and quotas with regard to all employment and careers. The goal of socialist equality cannot be achieved without this vital facet of government control.”

“As you are aware, the single most important issue facing us today is the creation of jobs. To that end I will be implementing initiatives focused on achieving that goal. We will be taking the payback of $30 billion of TARP funds from the banks, including interest, which was to be returned to the treasury, and investing it in community banks, which will allow us to further control the banking industry, and dictate distribution of loans toward the creation of green jobs. Along with the Cap & Trade legislation which I hope soon becomes law, we can guarantee the erosion of what manufacturing and industry still exists in America and reward the environmental lobby for its support. Of course this will all be contingent upon Clean Energy & Climate legislation, which will further hamstring America’s ability to compete economically in the global market.”

“On the scientific development front I have decided to change to focus of NASA. Enough with this space exploration. Sure, we may have made some advancement in medicine and science but there are greater issues to be faced. We will cease implementation of all future space initiatives and devote NASA’s immense potential toward green initiatives. This will allow us to save the planet, appease environmentalists, increase my prestige in the global community and allow America to feel good about itself once more. Sure, the time will come when China has superiority in space and the ability to castrate our defenses by immobilizing our aging defense and communications satellites, but we will have tiny solar powered cars, less carbon emissions and a unique bond with Mother Earth.”

“In addition, as we move toward an initiative of investing in skills and education, we will offer incentives to college graduates who pursue careers in government over those who choose the private market, thus bloating government bureaucracies, while at the same time depleting economic recovery which is solely dependent on private industry.”

“I want you to remember one thing as we move forward; I am doing all this for you. It is the banks, the insurance industry, the fat cats of Wall Street, and other wealthy Americans who are your enemies. Rest assured, I will work diligently to see that their days of success are numbered and that we move toward a more egalitarian society where every man is equal, every man shares the fruits of everyone’s labor and we all suffer equally.”

“Now let me talk about restoring America’s trust in Washington. I have demanded accountability throughout my administration (with the exception of my cabinet appointees, czars and advisors, of course), and have promised transparency in everything we do (we try, but it’s not always possible to achieve). I am disappointed, however in the recent Supreme Court ruling which will allow corporations to spend unlimited funds to endorse specific candidates, and even allow foreign entities to affect our elections (hey, even if that’s not entirely correct, you get my point). This is unconscionable since this will dilute the impact of unions to control elections and the Court should be ashamed of its actions. And, you, Justice Alito, what’s your problem? Don’t you roll your eyes at me. Do you know who I am?”

“I know many of you are concerned about our security and the alleged threat that exists from the Muslim community. Rest assured, they know me, they know I am one of them, and the situation is under control. We will not waste precious time tonight discussing the unrelated incidents at Fort Hood, the Christmas underwear bomber, or the supposed increase of terrorist activity. We are showing the world that we are a fair and compassionate nation, unlike the previous administration. I have demonstrated that we will treat everyone fairly, even those suspected as having ill intentions toward America. My Attorney General has assured me that all suspects will be mirandized, afforded attorneys, and brought to America to stand trial by a jury of their peers. All interrogations will be reviewed by the justice department, and all attempts at enhanced interrogation will be dealt with in the harshest terms possible. As far as our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rules of engagement will stipulate that we treat our enemies fairly and that no action will be taken which might result in death or injury to civilians, even if the enemy tactics include hiding behind civilians. My advice to our troops – don’t be so anxious to shoot - be careful, we don’t need the bad PR when you injure or kill civilians.”

“Finally, let me address Health Care Reform. I know we have suffered some setbacks, and honestly, I just don’t get it. I have explained this to the American people countless times and you still do not realize that I know what is best for you and for this country. Let’s get on board, people – I have a legacy to worry about. And what about congress? You Democrats, you have the largest majority in years and you’ve frittered away the chance of a lifetime. And you Republicans, get out of my way.”

“Let me make something perfectly clear to you all. I don’t quit! That means I don’t care about you Tea Party extremists and I don’t care about the so-called voice of the people – what do you know about governing? I will get this Health Care Reform passed one way or another. Understand that we know what you really want, what you really need. We will tell you who gets treated and how. We will tell you what you will pay and when. We will drive private health care out of business, we will let doctors know what they will practice, what they will earn, and who they will cure and who they will let die. We will take from the rich, and when that runs out we will take from the rest of you, but we will impose our will on the American people.”

“So let me close by saying that the State of the Union is a subjective thing. If you believe that we are in dire straits, then you only have Bush and Cheney to blame. If, on the other hand you are enlightened enough to understand that I am your savior, your Lord Protector, then you can see that the State of the Union is changing and the future holds nothing but promise. Once again, I will not quit. Representative government, my ass – I am Barack Obama!”

And thus ends a unique evening in American political folly. A man uniquely gifted with rhetorical skills, yet just as uniquely bereft of all vestiges of statesmanship, integrity or leadership abilities. A man so completely besotten with himself and his fantasies of greatness that he perceives all who question him as enemies to be eliminated. A man so completely out of touch with reality that he now spins his lies blatantly and unashamed to an audience who more and more realize, “the King has no clothes.”

This is the devastation that elections, determined by an uneducated, self-interested, historically challenged electorate, can unleash on a great nation. Let your voices continue to cry out against this abomination, let God preserve America through the balance of this administration’s term, and let us never forget this lesson as we move forward.

Be vigilant, be educated, and be completely involved in the State of Our Union.
Let us answer Mr. Franklin’s query: “… yes, sir, this is our republic, and damn it, we intend to keep it.”
