Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions Worth Keeping

As I sit to write, the nascent particles of sand drop through the hourglass of the year 2010. Behind us we leave the year 2009, complete with its trials, tribulations, exasperations and disappointments. The Obama presidency has wreaked havoc across the nation, and it would seem altogether fitting to see the issuance of an amber alert, for the America we knew and loved has surely been kidnapped, and the time for its rescue, if indeed a rescue is possible, is now at hand. The sacred trust which was handed over to the new administration has been violated and raped, and our formative principles, memorialized by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, have been trampled under the jackboots of a president and congress, intent on transforming a free market, capitalist prosperity machine into a fantasy socialist utopia, dumbed down to the least common denominator.

Lest I ruin your day with such talk, take heart, for as you read this WE ARE NOW IN AN ELECTION YEAR.

On Tuesday, November 2, in the year of Our Lord 2010, the patriots of America are poised to take back our country. The entire House and one third of the Senate will be up for election along with numerous state and local positions. We cannot wait until November to act. All of our time, our treasure and our efforts must begin now. Let’s take a moment right now to jot down some resolutions that are far more important than losing weight, exercising, or the countless other things we start off doing every new year and soon lose interest in. We are talking about our country, our way of life and our very liberty, for we have all seen the erosion of freedom under the constant onslaught of liberal legislation, presidential decrees and unconstitutional czarist interference. Here we go:

Be it resolved that we will stay completely informed as to what is happening in Washington, in our states and in our communities.

Be it resolved that we will immediately put the phone numbers of our senators, our congressmen, and other elected officials on speed dial on our home and cell phones, and that we will use them soon and often to voice our opinions. We have let the Left control the agenda for far too long.

Be it resolved that we will immediately take a box of envelopes, address them to our senators, our congressmen and other elected officials and have them ready to be mailed throughout the year whenever we need to let them know how we feel.

Be it resolved that we will engage our friends, family, co-workers and others in conversation and debate over the relative merits and pitfalls of various issues that are being debated by congress. Remember we can only do this effectively if we remain informed.

Be it resolved that each one us will persuade one other person to see the values of conservative ideas and recognize the moral bankruptcy of the liberal agenda.

Be it resolved that we will research all the candidates, not on their talking points, stump speeches or spin, but rather on their actions and record.

Be it resolved that we will search out, find and support candidates for all positions who have proven a commitment to the conservative principles of free markets, personal responsibility, limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, secure borders and military strength.

Be it resolved that we will support each other’s actions towards a common goal without bickering, infighting, jealousy or animosity, which can only serve to fracture the bond we share as patriots.

Be it resolved that we will make the rescue of our great nation our first and foremost obligation for this year and that we will never allow ourselves to be lulled into ambivalence again, for the stakes are far too high.

Be it further resolved that………. (you all get the point – keep jotting down ideas, share them which each other, act on them and don’t ever falter in your commitment and resolve.)

The holiday season is over. It is again time to preserve for our children and grandchildren the wonderful reality that is America, which our parents, grandparents, and generations of Americans have passed on to us.

I wish you all every happiness and blessing that our Creator can bestow upon you. Happy New Year! This is an Election Year – this is Our Election Year!


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