Saturday, January 30, 2010

Representative government, my ass........

On Wednesday evening we all witnessed an historic event heretofore unseen by man or God. The Great Barack Obama stood in his all royal splendor in the House Chamber, before Congress, the Justices of the Supreme Court, assorted cabinet members, Czars, myriad minions, bureaucrats, political hacks and millions of Americans watching via TV, and proclaimed himself King and Savior, Ruler by Divine Providence.
As he enumerated his multiple accomplishments, his enlightened governance, his messianic salvation of a world previously blighted by the combined evils of conservatism and capitalism, all of history waned in his shadow. Pharaoh, Caesar, the Sun King, Jefferson, Lincoln, Churchill, and Christ rising from the tomb all paled in the glow of glory in which the Great Obama cloaked himself as he delivered the State of the Union Address.

As the politically bankrupt liberal establishment, the co-opted main stream media, and the throngs of unproductive leeches of society, their hands extended for entitlements paid for by the sweat of our brows, drooled in orgasmic rapture at the lies and fables being spun by the charismatic charlatan masquerading as the leader of the free world, let us examine the wake of destruction that has been left as a result of his mission to transform America into a socialist state by translating his remarks into reality:

“My fellow Americans, let me preface what I am about to say by reminding you that before I even entered the door of the White House the previous administration had left this country on the verge of collapse, straddled with two wars, an economic meltdown and diminished standing on the global stage, so don’t even think about blaming me for the condition the country is in.”

“For too long America has burdened under the oppression of an outdated Constitution, foisted its arrogance and hegemony on an impoverished world, and witnessed a disparity of wealth perpetrated by our capitalistic free market economy. Let me assure you, those days are over.”

“Under my guidance, my administration has enacted a series of actions to change the course of America, so let me assure you, the worst has passed, and we will now move ahead with our agenda which is designed to gut our economy, transfer wealth, bankrupt both this generation and those of our children and grandchildren, and dismantle private industry.”

“On the domestic economic front, we have declared all-out war on free market capitalism. We have, in the span of one year, managed to replace private enterprise with government bureaucracies in the banking, automotive and investment segments of our economy. On the automotive front we have managed to suspend contract law and strong arm investors so that your government now has control of GM and Chrysler, and has rewarded the automotive unions for their support of our administration with sweetheart deals and a controlling interest in the future of these companies. Our bureaucrats, with no background in the automotive industry, no successful business acumen, and not a trace of entrepreneurial savvy will now determine the direction of the American auto industry. We will impose our environmental standards, without benefit of proof or economic sustainability, on the types of cars that will compete on the global stage.”

“With regard to the banking and finance industries, we will now appoint czars, with no constitutional authority, to decide to whom loans should or should not be granted, and to determine appropriate salaries, bonuses and other compensation packages with an eye toward equality of results with no regard for abilities, success or effort. Of course this will undermine the ability of these organizations to hire and hold the most successful candidates in their respective positions, but it will provide those who cannot successfully compete a feeling of self worth and accomplishment. This exercise in salary and bonus manipulation and control will, of course, in due time trickle down to all industries and all positions until the federal government has full authority to regulate pay scales, incentives and quotas with regard to all employment and careers. The goal of socialist equality cannot be achieved without this vital facet of government control.”

“As you are aware, the single most important issue facing us today is the creation of jobs. To that end I will be implementing initiatives focused on achieving that goal. We will be taking the payback of $30 billion of TARP funds from the banks, including interest, which was to be returned to the treasury, and investing it in community banks, which will allow us to further control the banking industry, and dictate distribution of loans toward the creation of green jobs. Along with the Cap & Trade legislation which I hope soon becomes law, we can guarantee the erosion of what manufacturing and industry still exists in America and reward the environmental lobby for its support. Of course this will all be contingent upon Clean Energy & Climate legislation, which will further hamstring America’s ability to compete economically in the global market.”

“On the scientific development front I have decided to change to focus of NASA. Enough with this space exploration. Sure, we may have made some advancement in medicine and science but there are greater issues to be faced. We will cease implementation of all future space initiatives and devote NASA’s immense potential toward green initiatives. This will allow us to save the planet, appease environmentalists, increase my prestige in the global community and allow America to feel good about itself once more. Sure, the time will come when China has superiority in space and the ability to castrate our defenses by immobilizing our aging defense and communications satellites, but we will have tiny solar powered cars, less carbon emissions and a unique bond with Mother Earth.”

“In addition, as we move toward an initiative of investing in skills and education, we will offer incentives to college graduates who pursue careers in government over those who choose the private market, thus bloating government bureaucracies, while at the same time depleting economic recovery which is solely dependent on private industry.”

“I want you to remember one thing as we move forward; I am doing all this for you. It is the banks, the insurance industry, the fat cats of Wall Street, and other wealthy Americans who are your enemies. Rest assured, I will work diligently to see that their days of success are numbered and that we move toward a more egalitarian society where every man is equal, every man shares the fruits of everyone’s labor and we all suffer equally.”

“Now let me talk about restoring America’s trust in Washington. I have demanded accountability throughout my administration (with the exception of my cabinet appointees, czars and advisors, of course), and have promised transparency in everything we do (we try, but it’s not always possible to achieve). I am disappointed, however in the recent Supreme Court ruling which will allow corporations to spend unlimited funds to endorse specific candidates, and even allow foreign entities to affect our elections (hey, even if that’s not entirely correct, you get my point). This is unconscionable since this will dilute the impact of unions to control elections and the Court should be ashamed of its actions. And, you, Justice Alito, what’s your problem? Don’t you roll your eyes at me. Do you know who I am?”

“I know many of you are concerned about our security and the alleged threat that exists from the Muslim community. Rest assured, they know me, they know I am one of them, and the situation is under control. We will not waste precious time tonight discussing the unrelated incidents at Fort Hood, the Christmas underwear bomber, or the supposed increase of terrorist activity. We are showing the world that we are a fair and compassionate nation, unlike the previous administration. I have demonstrated that we will treat everyone fairly, even those suspected as having ill intentions toward America. My Attorney General has assured me that all suspects will be mirandized, afforded attorneys, and brought to America to stand trial by a jury of their peers. All interrogations will be reviewed by the justice department, and all attempts at enhanced interrogation will be dealt with in the harshest terms possible. As far as our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rules of engagement will stipulate that we treat our enemies fairly and that no action will be taken which might result in death or injury to civilians, even if the enemy tactics include hiding behind civilians. My advice to our troops – don’t be so anxious to shoot - be careful, we don’t need the bad PR when you injure or kill civilians.”

“Finally, let me address Health Care Reform. I know we have suffered some setbacks, and honestly, I just don’t get it. I have explained this to the American people countless times and you still do not realize that I know what is best for you and for this country. Let’s get on board, people – I have a legacy to worry about. And what about congress? You Democrats, you have the largest majority in years and you’ve frittered away the chance of a lifetime. And you Republicans, get out of my way.”

“Let me make something perfectly clear to you all. I don’t quit! That means I don’t care about you Tea Party extremists and I don’t care about the so-called voice of the people – what do you know about governing? I will get this Health Care Reform passed one way or another. Understand that we know what you really want, what you really need. We will tell you who gets treated and how. We will tell you what you will pay and when. We will drive private health care out of business, we will let doctors know what they will practice, what they will earn, and who they will cure and who they will let die. We will take from the rich, and when that runs out we will take from the rest of you, but we will impose our will on the American people.”

“So let me close by saying that the State of the Union is a subjective thing. If you believe that we are in dire straits, then you only have Bush and Cheney to blame. If, on the other hand you are enlightened enough to understand that I am your savior, your Lord Protector, then you can see that the State of the Union is changing and the future holds nothing but promise. Once again, I will not quit. Representative government, my ass – I am Barack Obama!”

And thus ends a unique evening in American political folly. A man uniquely gifted with rhetorical skills, yet just as uniquely bereft of all vestiges of statesmanship, integrity or leadership abilities. A man so completely besotten with himself and his fantasies of greatness that he perceives all who question him as enemies to be eliminated. A man so completely out of touch with reality that he now spins his lies blatantly and unashamed to an audience who more and more realize, “the King has no clothes.”

This is the devastation that elections, determined by an uneducated, self-interested, historically challenged electorate, can unleash on a great nation. Let your voices continue to cry out against this abomination, let God preserve America through the balance of this administration’s term, and let us never forget this lesson as we move forward.

Be vigilant, be educated, and be completely involved in the State of Our Union.
Let us answer Mr. Franklin’s query: “… yes, sir, this is our republic, and damn it, we intend to keep it.”


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snowshoes for Satan

For those of you who have just awakened from a coma and are now trying to catch up on current events, lets start with a couple of earth shaking developments that have occurred over the last week.

On January 12th a seismic shift in the earth’s plates caused the island nation of Haiti to suffer a devastating earthquake, plunging the impoverished nation into a state of chaos and despair. As usual, the American people led the rest of the world in response to this disaster by implementing immediate rescue and assistance, both in the form of supplies and manpower, with the American military providing the yeoman’s work in this humanitarian relief effort.

Last night, in the so-called “People’s Republic of Massachusetts,” a seismic shift in the political landscape sent the Obama administration and the Democrat party into a state of chaos and confusion as relatively unknown state senator Scott Brown (R) defeated Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley (D). The defeat of a democrat, in what is considered the “bluest” of states, for the senate seat long held by the “Lion of the Senate,” Ted Kennedy, defied conventional wisdom and raised the specter of a bloodbath for democrats in the upcoming November elections.

Coakley, not more than a month ago was leisurely coasting to victory with a twenty point lead over her truck-driving, regular guy, conservative opponent. What went wrong? How could a 25+ point shift in popularity occur so quickly in a state that Obama won with an overwhelming majority?

The answer lies in the arrogance and overreaching liberal agenda being foisted on the American people by the Obama administration, with the complicity of a democratically controlled congress intent on passing damaging legislation despite the demonstrative opposition of their constituents. The American people, as demonstrated by the independent minded voters of the Bay State, have revolted against the blatant lack of representation, the condescending attitude of their elected officials, and the constant erosion of their liberties by a government that has grown far too big, self centered, and controlling.

The Patriots of the Revolutionary War would be proud of their fellow statesmen who last night stood up and decided the time to fight had come. Last night they went to the ballot box and voted “No” to late night, closed door secretive votes, “No” to blatant bribery in Louisiana and Nebraska, “No” to special interest sweetheart deals exempting unions and other Obama patsies from the perils of bad legislation, all at the expense of the American taxpayers, and “No” to the undisciplined spending that will bankrupt our country and leave future generations shouldering the burden of debt.

Lest Republicans think that this election means they will have a cake walk come this November, they would be wise to study the campaign of Massachusetts’ new senator. Brown enumerated a few simple issues which resonated with the voters in Massachusetts, and clearly echo the mood of the vast majority of Americans who want government out of their way economically and socially, concentrating instead on providing real security and defense of our nation.

Senator-elect Brown reiterated his positions in his acceptance speech:

No more undisciplined spending, bailouts, and redistribution of wealth.
No massive government takeover of health care.
The constitution does not provide rights for terrorists or enemy combatants.
Taxpayer money should be spent on weapons to kill our enemies, not on lawyers to defend them.
Return to free market enterprise and individual responsibility
Strong military for defense.

These are the principles Americans want, and any candidate, democrat or republican, who cannot get on board, best not enter the fray. As Scott Brown so eloquently stated when asked about Ted Kennedy’s Seat, “With all due respect, it’s not the Kennedys’ seat, it’s not the democrats’ seat, it’s the people’s seat…”

So, now, after the November elections in Virginia and New Jersey, after the upset in Massachusetts, after Obama’s efforts to prop up democratic candidates have failed time and again, after so-called moderate, Blue Dog Democrats can see that they are about to commit political suicide, will the Obama administration and the democrat congress slow down and reevaluate their far left agenda, or will they redouble their efforts and force through their damaging legislation while they continue to hold power. If recent history is any indication of their upcoming actions, we can expect more arrogance, more determination and more disregard for the will of the people.

We’re living in strange times, and maybe, just maybe, the American people have awakened in time to rescue their country and preserve their liberty. How ironic it would be if the new senator, now sitting in Ted Kennedy’s Seat, gets to cast the deciding vote derailing the Obama Health Care Bill.

Conventional wisdom told us that a republican wouldn’t hold Kennedy’s seat until hell freezes over. Well, better send Snowshoes to Satan because that time has come.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions Worth Keeping

As I sit to write, the nascent particles of sand drop through the hourglass of the year 2010. Behind us we leave the year 2009, complete with its trials, tribulations, exasperations and disappointments. The Obama presidency has wreaked havoc across the nation, and it would seem altogether fitting to see the issuance of an amber alert, for the America we knew and loved has surely been kidnapped, and the time for its rescue, if indeed a rescue is possible, is now at hand. The sacred trust which was handed over to the new administration has been violated and raped, and our formative principles, memorialized by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, have been trampled under the jackboots of a president and congress, intent on transforming a free market, capitalist prosperity machine into a fantasy socialist utopia, dumbed down to the least common denominator.

Lest I ruin your day with such talk, take heart, for as you read this WE ARE NOW IN AN ELECTION YEAR.

On Tuesday, November 2, in the year of Our Lord 2010, the patriots of America are poised to take back our country. The entire House and one third of the Senate will be up for election along with numerous state and local positions. We cannot wait until November to act. All of our time, our treasure and our efforts must begin now. Let’s take a moment right now to jot down some resolutions that are far more important than losing weight, exercising, or the countless other things we start off doing every new year and soon lose interest in. We are talking about our country, our way of life and our very liberty, for we have all seen the erosion of freedom under the constant onslaught of liberal legislation, presidential decrees and unconstitutional czarist interference. Here we go:

Be it resolved that we will stay completely informed as to what is happening in Washington, in our states and in our communities.

Be it resolved that we will immediately put the phone numbers of our senators, our congressmen, and other elected officials on speed dial on our home and cell phones, and that we will use them soon and often to voice our opinions. We have let the Left control the agenda for far too long.

Be it resolved that we will immediately take a box of envelopes, address them to our senators, our congressmen and other elected officials and have them ready to be mailed throughout the year whenever we need to let them know how we feel.

Be it resolved that we will engage our friends, family, co-workers and others in conversation and debate over the relative merits and pitfalls of various issues that are being debated by congress. Remember we can only do this effectively if we remain informed.

Be it resolved that each one us will persuade one other person to see the values of conservative ideas and recognize the moral bankruptcy of the liberal agenda.

Be it resolved that we will research all the candidates, not on their talking points, stump speeches or spin, but rather on their actions and record.

Be it resolved that we will search out, find and support candidates for all positions who have proven a commitment to the conservative principles of free markets, personal responsibility, limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, secure borders and military strength.

Be it resolved that we will support each other’s actions towards a common goal without bickering, infighting, jealousy or animosity, which can only serve to fracture the bond we share as patriots.

Be it resolved that we will make the rescue of our great nation our first and foremost obligation for this year and that we will never allow ourselves to be lulled into ambivalence again, for the stakes are far too high.

Be it further resolved that………. (you all get the point – keep jotting down ideas, share them which each other, act on them and don’t ever falter in your commitment and resolve.)

The holiday season is over. It is again time to preserve for our children and grandchildren the wonderful reality that is America, which our parents, grandparents, and generations of Americans have passed on to us.

I wish you all every happiness and blessing that our Creator can bestow upon you. Happy New Year! This is an Election Year – this is Our Election Year!
