Many battles begin in a blatant demonstration of firepower and overwhelming force - witness the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Germany’s Blitzkrieg in Europe and America’s Shock and Awe mission in Iraq. Other times it is an isolated skirmish, an acceleration of hostilities or irresponsible rhetoric that can set the wheels of war in motion.
This past week the opening salvos of the Obama administration’s next battle against the America we know and love may have been launched via two stealth actions intended to stay below the radar of the American public.
Under the pretense of inspiring America’s schoolchildren, President Obama intends to preempt normal educational activities and address our children in their classrooms via TV and computer. A seemingly innocuous event at face value until put in complete perspective. The U.S. Department of Education, under guidance from the White House, has prepared a curriculum for use by teachers in conjunction with the address. The recommended activities for the schoolchildren include writing a paper on how to “help the president,” discuss what “the president wants us to do,” and “write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president.” It alarms me that no where is there mention about “what can be done for America,” only this continual obsession with the cult of personality that surrounds this narcissistic charlatan who has the American Left mesmerized by his every word and action.
To use our children and grandchildren as a captive audience, and to give the NEA, one of Obama’s staunchest allies, carte blanche to practice subversive indoctrination of their precious charges, reeks of the politicization of the public educational system and comes dangerously close to the nascent stages of the fascist youth movements of the mid 20th century. Fortunately, the American public has become aware of the president’s upcoming address and the White House is rethinking its next move. Notwithstanding any positive revisions to their original plan, the very thought that the administration devised such a strategy should send chills down the spine of every American.
The second covert move came in the form of a not highly publicized comment by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, advising the public that they should expect “a big influx” of swine flu in the coming fall season. On July 24, 2009, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed a previous determination that “a public health emergency exists nationwide involving Swine Influenza A that affects or has significant potential to affect national security.” Napolitano’s comment, following the determination of Sebelius, puts swine flu squarely in the crosshairs of Homeland Security and allows it to be elevated to crisis status at Napolitano’s discretion.
Recall for a moment the comments of Napolitano regarding her take on terrorism. While deleting the politically incorrect phrase “war on terror” from the vernacular of Homeland Security, Napolitano felt compelled to include groups or individuals opposed to abortion or immigration, gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks to America. Given this ideological mindset, in complete lockstep with the president, is it so far fetched to imagine Napolitano politicizing the swine flu issue in order to advance the administration’s agenda regarding Health Care Reform? Once it becomes a crisis, we can expect the Rahm Emanual doctrine “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste” to trigger actions dedicated to formalizing government takeover of Health Care, either via legislation or executive orders, under the mantra of Homeland Security. Remember that it was a so-called crisis that compelled the government to legislate bailouts, industry takeovers and stimulus fiascos.
We have all seen the hysteria that can be generated around the predictions of an epidemic. The mainstream media, content to serve as the administration’s propaganda machine, would delight in 24 – 7 coverage of a supposed health emergency – think SARS and Bird Flu, previous imminent Armageddon predictions that failed to materialize.
As the fall approaches there will no doubt be an increase in the number of cases of swine flu throughout the country. The American people should take prudent precautions to safeguard their health, and the government should procure sufficient vaccine for the protection of the public. The government should not politicize the disease, panic the populace, and usurp powers that are not within its constitutionally mandated jurisdiction. The American people should remain alert, informed and skeptical of unwarranted reports of widespread dangers to national security, safeguarding their sacred liberties as deliberately as they do their health.
Then, again, in contrast to what we have witnessed in the first months of the Obama administration, maybe our elected officials are only acting in the best interests of the American people with no regard for their own power…..and then, again, maybe pigs can fly.
This past week the opening salvos of the Obama administration’s next battle against the America we know and love may have been launched via two stealth actions intended to stay below the radar of the American public.
Under the pretense of inspiring America’s schoolchildren, President Obama intends to preempt normal educational activities and address our children in their classrooms via TV and computer. A seemingly innocuous event at face value until put in complete perspective. The U.S. Department of Education, under guidance from the White House, has prepared a curriculum for use by teachers in conjunction with the address. The recommended activities for the schoolchildren include writing a paper on how to “help the president,” discuss what “the president wants us to do,” and “write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president.” It alarms me that no where is there mention about “what can be done for America,” only this continual obsession with the cult of personality that surrounds this narcissistic charlatan who has the American Left mesmerized by his every word and action.
To use our children and grandchildren as a captive audience, and to give the NEA, one of Obama’s staunchest allies, carte blanche to practice subversive indoctrination of their precious charges, reeks of the politicization of the public educational system and comes dangerously close to the nascent stages of the fascist youth movements of the mid 20th century. Fortunately, the American public has become aware of the president’s upcoming address and the White House is rethinking its next move. Notwithstanding any positive revisions to their original plan, the very thought that the administration devised such a strategy should send chills down the spine of every American.
The second covert move came in the form of a not highly publicized comment by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, advising the public that they should expect “a big influx” of swine flu in the coming fall season. On July 24, 2009, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed a previous determination that “a public health emergency exists nationwide involving Swine Influenza A that affects or has significant potential to affect national security.” Napolitano’s comment, following the determination of Sebelius, puts swine flu squarely in the crosshairs of Homeland Security and allows it to be elevated to crisis status at Napolitano’s discretion.
Recall for a moment the comments of Napolitano regarding her take on terrorism. While deleting the politically incorrect phrase “war on terror” from the vernacular of Homeland Security, Napolitano felt compelled to include groups or individuals opposed to abortion or immigration, gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks to America. Given this ideological mindset, in complete lockstep with the president, is it so far fetched to imagine Napolitano politicizing the swine flu issue in order to advance the administration’s agenda regarding Health Care Reform? Once it becomes a crisis, we can expect the Rahm Emanual doctrine “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste” to trigger actions dedicated to formalizing government takeover of Health Care, either via legislation or executive orders, under the mantra of Homeland Security. Remember that it was a so-called crisis that compelled the government to legislate bailouts, industry takeovers and stimulus fiascos.
We have all seen the hysteria that can be generated around the predictions of an epidemic. The mainstream media, content to serve as the administration’s propaganda machine, would delight in 24 – 7 coverage of a supposed health emergency – think SARS and Bird Flu, previous imminent Armageddon predictions that failed to materialize.
As the fall approaches there will no doubt be an increase in the number of cases of swine flu throughout the country. The American people should take prudent precautions to safeguard their health, and the government should procure sufficient vaccine for the protection of the public. The government should not politicize the disease, panic the populace, and usurp powers that are not within its constitutionally mandated jurisdiction. The American people should remain alert, informed and skeptical of unwarranted reports of widespread dangers to national security, safeguarding their sacred liberties as deliberately as they do their health.
Then, again, in contrast to what we have witnessed in the first months of the Obama administration, maybe our elected officials are only acting in the best interests of the American people with no regard for their own power…..and then, again, maybe pigs can fly.
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