Time is running out. Your voice still matters.
Before your Congressman & Senators return to Washington, take the time to send them an email, make a call, and fax a letter to their offices. If you are paying attention, you should know that the grassroots protest to the actions of our government is being heard, and surely being weighed.
Do it now. It’s your right. It’s your civic duty. It’s your country.
Here’s a sample letter that I’ll be sending. Feel free to copy, cut and paste, or revise. Be sure to include your name and address. They listen to constituents.
Dear Congressman / Senator,
Let me begin by expressing my appreciation to the 111th Congress for its contribution to the political awakening of the American public. In a few short months, the actions of Congress have more than compensated for the years of failure by our educational system to teach the fundamentals of American civics.
Thank you, Congress, for allowing an overreaching administration, led by an arrogant president, to attempt an overthrow of our free market economy, so blatant, that even the most uninterested citizen has had to stop and take notice.
Thank you, Congress, for abandoning the strategy of incrementalism, that has been so effective for so many years in eroding our freedom, confiscating our wealth, and changing the fabric of our country, while we were all too busy supporting our families to take notice. Thank you for replacing it with massive, radical legislation so antithetical to American values and tradition, that you have shaken the American public from its collective malaise.
Thank you, Congress, for spending so much, so quickly, for mortgaging our future so boldly, that even the most jaundiced citizen can see that the rising debt service is unsustainable without inevitable, crushing tax increases.
Thank you, Congress, for attempting to decimate and nationalize our health industry, ration our health care, and bring increased bureaucratic intrusion into our lives via stealth legislation that has caused the electorate to demand answers, to which there appear to be no satisfactory replies.
Thank you, Congress, for responding to the voice of the American people, the free speech that is the very cornerstone of the foundation of this country, with insolence and condescending insults. Like smelling salts under the nose of a knocked out boxer, your actions have finally awakened the public.
For many years, I have lamented the disinterest the vast majority of Americans have shown to being actively involved in their government. For too long, too many people have assumed that they really had no say, that their votes didn’t really matter. Now, thanks to the actions of our elected representatives, all that has changed. It seems that every place I go, every group I meet, the conversation is politics. People of all walks of life, all social and economic classes, friends, family, co-workers, and casual acquaintances, are talking about stopping health care reform, the inevitable costs associated with Cap and Trade, unwarranted bailouts, unfathomable stimulus spending and government intrusion into their lives.
There is a grassroots protest throughout America. The Tea Parties are real. The passion and concern at Town Hall Meetings are authentic. You may chose to think otherwise, but rest assured, the political future of America’s elected officials is in the balance. The same outrage that is being displayed today, the same organizations that have formed to give the electorate a venue to express their concerns, the same need to take back control of our beloved country, and the same newly found power of internet communication and networking, will all be channeled towards the ballot boxes in a very short time.
Before you return to do The People’s business, here are the feelings of one of your constituents who is now actively engaged:
Vote No on any Health Care Reform measures that in any way include government intervention, oversight, or control over costs, rationing of benefits, etc.
Put a stop to the Cap & Trade sham that can only harm the American people
Cut the stimulus spending and bailouts, get the government out of American industry, and let free market capitalism and market forces prevail. It works – just get out of the way.
And those new jets Congress tried to slip past public scrutiny– it wouldn’t be such a big deal if only you hadn’t put the country in such dire financial straits already.
Very truly yours,
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