Yes, as hoped for, the great states of New Jersey and Virginia have become today's Lexington and Concord. The electorate has spoken and the message is clear, "We want our country back and damned be anyone who stands in our way." A tidal wave of conservative backlash in Virginia and the resolve and determination of the voters in New Jersey have demonstrated that the grassroots movement begun many months ago is for real, and it's here for the duration of this fight.
As this Election Day draws to a close a few things seem self evident. The president's coattails, previously so sought after and debonair, now appear to be worn and tattered. Multiple presidential visits to bolster a floundering incumbent Governor Jon Corzine, have proved to be nothing more than a millstone around his neck, drowning him in the voters’ discontent with the state of affairs in New Jersey and disdain for the policies emanating out of DC.
Virginians, fully cognizant of, and equally opposed to, the Obama administration's agenda, have proudly repainted their state red.
To those congressmen and senators who have been prodded, threatened and cajoled into supporting the administration's legislative assault on our way of life, it may now appear that their own political futures are in jeopardy. They may not be so willing to throw themselves on the sword for a president's agenda that is at odds with their constituents, only to face the voters’ wrath in 2010.
As Congress prepares to bring the Health Care Reform legislation to a vote, the crisp arrogance in the air may now be tempered with the first wisps of doubt. Blue Dogs, moderates and spineless Republicans may think twice before voting for this abomination. Radical liberals, orgasmic over the dream of passing this socialist legislation, just might have to hold off the vote knowing they don't have the numbers to ram it home.
OK, let's all exhale and get ready for the next fight. The first blows to this legislative fiasco were the protests, Tea Parties and Town Hall meetings that stopped a vote before Congress recessed. The votes cast today were an unforeseen uppercut to the jaw, and if we can follow through with the protests scheduled for later this week, we just might put the brute down for the count.
We all know this is a long war and we have just won a decisive battle. It would be wise to keep our opponent on the ropes, or better yet, down on the mat. That can only be accomplished if we keep the pressure on, stay on the offensive, and start picking off the enemy one by one. We were all asleep at the wheel for way too long, but now that we're awake, let's give 'em hell and take back what is rightfully ours.
As this Election Day draws to a close a few things seem self evident. The president's coattails, previously so sought after and debonair, now appear to be worn and tattered. Multiple presidential visits to bolster a floundering incumbent Governor Jon Corzine, have proved to be nothing more than a millstone around his neck, drowning him in the voters’ discontent with the state of affairs in New Jersey and disdain for the policies emanating out of DC.
Virginians, fully cognizant of, and equally opposed to, the Obama administration's agenda, have proudly repainted their state red.
To those congressmen and senators who have been prodded, threatened and cajoled into supporting the administration's legislative assault on our way of life, it may now appear that their own political futures are in jeopardy. They may not be so willing to throw themselves on the sword for a president's agenda that is at odds with their constituents, only to face the voters’ wrath in 2010.
As Congress prepares to bring the Health Care Reform legislation to a vote, the crisp arrogance in the air may now be tempered with the first wisps of doubt. Blue Dogs, moderates and spineless Republicans may think twice before voting for this abomination. Radical liberals, orgasmic over the dream of passing this socialist legislation, just might have to hold off the vote knowing they don't have the numbers to ram it home.
OK, let's all exhale and get ready for the next fight. The first blows to this legislative fiasco were the protests, Tea Parties and Town Hall meetings that stopped a vote before Congress recessed. The votes cast today were an unforeseen uppercut to the jaw, and if we can follow through with the protests scheduled for later this week, we just might put the brute down for the count.
We all know this is a long war and we have just won a decisive battle. It would be wise to keep our opponent on the ropes, or better yet, down on the mat. That can only be accomplished if we keep the pressure on, stay on the offensive, and start picking off the enemy one by one. We were all asleep at the wheel for way too long, but now that we're awake, let's give 'em hell and take back what is rightfully ours.
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