Sunday, September 27, 2009

Unraveling a Sacred Trust

The role of government is first and foremost to provide for the safety and security of the people. It is only when the state lives up to its primary directive, this sacred trust to establish a security blanket for the population, that the citizens of the country can fully pursue their God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

In the fragile security of the Cold War Era, the struggle for global hegemony between the Eagle and the Bear, only the doctrines of détente and mutually assured destruction allowed some measure of peaceful existence, while the specter of Soviet military might, under control of an ideology bent on breaking America, loomed at the periphery of our daily lives, like menacing clouds encroaching on a bright summer sky. It would take a unique set of circumstances to provide the fabric that America, and much of the world, could use to weave the wrap of security that would allow for hopes of a brighter future.

It can be said that the loom began to spin on August 26, 1978 when the first wisps of white smoke appeared above the Vatican, announcing the election of a new pope, as Albino Luciani ascended Peter’s throne as John Paul I. In Britain, economic hard times grew and the Labour Party bore the brunt of blame during the 1978-1979 Winter of Discontent, while miles away in the Middle East, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini made a triumphant return to Iran.

Luciani’s death, a short 33 days after his election, allowed the College of Cardinals to make the timely selection of the young, charismatic Pole, Karol Wojtyla, who would embark on an historic papacy as John Paul II. It was this globetrotting man of conviction, who, upon returning to his beloved Poland in June 1979, inspired his native countrymen, who would then form the Solidarity movement that would eventually throw off the yoke of Soviet tyranny and serve as a precursor of the demise of the USSR.

Under the anti-American influence of Khomeini, Islamist students stormed the American embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979, and captured 52 embassy workers, holding them hostage for 444 days. While the world watched, President Carter appeared helpless, and mired with domestic economic problems on top of the international embarrassment of the Iranian Hostage Crisis, retreated to the solitude of the Oval Office as America’s prestige plummeted.

In the midst of this Carter era malaise, emerged Ronald Reagan with his upbeat message of a better America. Espousing conservative ideology, military might, capitalism and opportunity, Reagan’s words and convictions resonated with the American electorate, who swept him into power and rode his coattails to greater prosperity. With the conservative, strong willed Margaret Thatcher already ensconced as Prime Minister of Great Britain since May 1979, the triumvirate was now in place, the threads ready to weave.

Over the course of the 1980s Reagan engaged the Soviets in a battle of ideologies, using American enterprise and prosperity to ratchet up military spending at a rate that the cumbersome Soviet economy could not maintain without inflicting harsh economic sanctions on its already impoverished population. Under Thatcher’s steady hand, Britain held fast as America’s wingman, and John Paul continued to spread his message far and wide. In time, the unwavering moral convictions of three leaders, guiding their respective charges without apology and without flinching at obstructions, literally bankrupted their adversary without firing a shot. As the last days of 1991 faded into the past, so too the USSR finally breathed its last breath and the security blanket was complete.

As with all things we hold precious, our security requires constant vigilance and regular repair. The Soviet threat had been abated, however a new evil had festered in Khomeini’s Iran, and Islamist Fundamentalism began to tug at the threads of American security, testing the resolve of the Clinton administration while the president was entangled in domestic issues and distracted by personal indiscretions.

On February 26, 1993 the first World Trade Center bombing shocked the nation, but was treated as a crime, not as a terrorist attack. The Battle of Mogadishu on October 3-4, 1993 in Somalia served as a watershed event for terrorists. Osama bin Laden later commented that it was there in Somalia that he realized that America did not have the intestinal fortitude to shed its blood.

The Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia were bombed on June 25, 1996, followed by the coordinated bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 7, 1998, all perpetrated with impunity. With the brazen attack on the U.S.S. Cole on October 12, 2000 the blanket had already started to unravel and bin Laden felt confident that America had become a paper tiger.

The fabric was finally torn asunder on September 11, 2001, when the horror of terrorism arrived on our shores. The years of neglect, the lack of credible response, the politically correct downplaying of military might had finally come home to roost. American lives were forever changed and security became a nebulous notion, sometimes apparent, often no more than a hope, an apparition that we prayed would materialize into a reality while we wandered through a rainbow of terror alerts.

Fortunately the ship of state now had a worthy captain at the helm who guided the country through the storm. George W. Bush understood his sacred duty, his prime directive, to safeguard the citizens of the nation. America’s response was quick and measured. The war was brought back to the enemy and away from our shores. Demonized by the Left, ridicules in the press, Bush nevertheless stayed the course, conducting an increasingly unpopular action, which nonetheless kept the scourge of terrorism off our soil for 8 years, allowing the blanket of security to mend and the prosperity of the nation to rebound.

Now we find ourselves with a new leader, a man who seems uncomfortable with the idea of American greatness. In Barack Obama’s world, military strength is old world and boorish. Those who have vowed to destroy our way of life are just misguided, blinded by America’s arrogance, and surely susceptible to his charm and rhetoric. He has bent over backwards to coddle our enemies while chastising our allies. He speaks of Israeli occupation and Palestinian hardships. Dictators are embraced and those brave Americans who interrogated those who would kill us are prosecuted as criminals. Our armed forces are demoralized and our intelligence agencies are compromised. Rules of engagement in Afghanistan have put the lives of our forces in danger as we try to fight a politically correct war with directives from bureaucrats in Washington. Military leaders are being censored and politics trumps success, even at the cost of American lives.

We now find out that the administration has been aware for months of a new uranium enrichment facility in the Iranian city of Qom, but has chosen not to alert the American people of this continuing threat from Iran, while at the same time moving forward with plans to hold negotiations with Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Concurrently, we discover that an al-Qaeda cell has been operating in America, and was planning a follow-up terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11, but was stopped through the efforts of the FBI, Homeland Security and local law enforcement. While the attack was thwarted, members of the conspiracy remain at large, and the specter of another terrorist incident overshadows any sense of security that may have existed prior. The president has thus far not spoken of these events, but would anyone be so surprised if his initial announcement would be the investigation of the techniques used by the authorities to uncover this plot?

In the latest show of incompetence, Obama has appeared as if by divine providence at the United Nations. Speaking to that vile assembly of anti-Semitic, anti-American, corrupt despots and human rights abusers, he again apologized for all that is America. He embraces the fantasy of nuclear disarmament and has abandoned the doctrine of diplomacy through strength. As Obama continues his apologist agenda on the world stage, our enemies no longer fear the Eagle’s talons, but take aim at the soft underbelly of the beast.

Where does that leave our nation today? Our security blanket is tattered, unraveled not from any foreign entity, but rather from those entrusted with its protection. North Korea and Iran look with scorn on the weakness being portrayed by America’s president. Venezuela’s President Chavez rattles sabers with impunity as he spreads his poison throughout Latin America and Libyan Leader Khadaffi has emerged from his years of silence as a new man, railing against the west. A re-emergent Russia, under Vladimir Putin, is calmly taking the measure of the American President, winning concessions, and gaining ground with the chess moves of a Russian genius against an overmatched opponent, while lurking in the shadows, the Islamist threat must surely be weighing its options, biding its time, as its sworn enemy emasculates himself with a shameful lack of historic understanding.

Preoccupied with his legacy, continuing to campaign rather than govern, spending more time in green rooms doing show prep than reading the monumental legislation he wants rushed through Congress, and intent on passing a health care reform bill that the nation neither wants nor can afford, it can be said that Barack Obama’s malfeasance regarding America’s security is akin to Nero fiddling while Rome burned, but in reality the messiah President, by undermining the nation’s economic stability and attempting to dismantle the free market machine that produces the prosperity that America will need to combat a threat to its security, is not just fiddling, but is in fact throwing gasoline on the fire as he abandons his prime directive, his sacred trust to provide for the security of the nation.

Friday, September 11, 2009

...not a cloud to be seen

It was the penultimate perfect day. Crystal clear blue sky, not a cloud to be seen, the air crisp and clean. New Yorkers of every stripe, in their own inimitable way, hurried about their business, rushing off to school or work, to a morning run or a latte at Starbucks. Down the subway, chasing a bus, stuck in morning rush hour traffic, or scurrying across the crowded streets they came, converging on downtown Manhattan like bees to the hive. For some, the day held an important meeting, for others only the mundane daily grind. They came, thinking ahead to their evening plans – a trip to the gym, pasta or chicken for supper, a romantic evening with that someone special – never knowing that those plans would never materialize.

They also came that morning – filled with hate for Americans and their freedom, their pursuit of prosperity, their individualism and their attitude, nowhere else better portrayed than in New York. Their mission was simple – to kill those who cherish liberty and to destroy the dream that is America.

Remember the first newscast – a plane had crashed into the Trade Center. Surely an accident, it quickly became the focus of the morning news.

Remember watching the broadcast, the speculation, the queasy feeling of seeing the first tower on fire. As the broadcast continued a second plane appears in the background – why was it flying so low, so close to the skyscrapers rising from the bedrock below?

Remember the shock as the second tower was hit. Flames bursting out from all sides – the realization that this was no accident – the understanding that the unthinkable was happening before our very eyes, broadcast for all the world to see.

Remember thinking that this was the worst day of our lives, and soon realizing that it had merely just begun. A fire at the Pentagon? – no another plane on a perverted act of religious vengeance. Then a fourth down in Pennsylvania. Back to the smoking inferno in New York, we watched horrified as office workers, fleeing from the flames, stepped out onto a window ledge one hundred floors above, held hands, and jumped to their deaths, while far below firefighters and police ran into the fire and up the stairs in a valiant effort to rescue their fellow Americans.

Remember the utter despair as the first tower collapsed in on itself, the plume of smoke and debris filling lower Manhattan, only to be followed by the collapse of the second tower, completing the devastation of the financial district and crushing the spirit of America.

Remember the immediate aftermath – air traffic halted, the market tumbled, the fear of subsequent attacks hung in the air, and the economic stability of the country hung in the balance.

But this was America. Unwilling to surrender to fear, defiant and proud, led by the sheer bravado that is New York, the country began to rebound. They came from all across the great expanse of our land, professionals and volunteers, men and women, the rich and the poor, every race, creed and color, united by the common bond that is America. Flags were raised and the ruins were cleared. Offices and schools opened. The wheels of commerce once again began to turn. In Queens a special part of American culture and tradition brought the Atlanta Braves and the New York Mets, bitter enemies, together on a ball field where rivalries were momentarily forgotten and players embraced. Emotions flowed openly, starting with the opening pitch, continuing through Liza Minnelli’s passionate rendition of “New York, New York” in the seventh inning, and culminating in a storybook ending as Mike Piazza, the darling of the New York fans, won the game with a dramatic home run. At that moment it was clear that the Islamic terrorists had failed, and that America would rise up and reclaim its place at the top of the hill.

Remember the resolve as we mourned and buried our dead, united in prayer and purpose, and planned vengeance on those who would destroy us. There was a very special feeling coursing through the veins of the country then. All differences were set aside and political bickering was given a backseat as congress united, not as democrats and republicans, but as Americans.

Just as time heals all wounds, time also dampens our resolve. Vigilance gives way to complacency. Cooperation to partisanship. Volunteerism to entitlement. Leadership roles change, new agendas come into vogue, and the course of our country is altered. Where once we projected military might, we now drop our defenses and apologize for being the great country that we are. We coddle those who wish us harm and prosecute those who rose to the challenge and defense of the country in the face of pure evil. Traditions are jettisoned for a vague notion of change, and our sacred liberties are threatened by a soft tyranny that would transform the face of the nation we hold dear.

As we commemorate the events of 9-11, let us first mourn our dead, both the innocent victims and the heroic first responders who embodied all that is right with America. Let us remember the emotions and passions that wrenched us all on that faithful day – shock, fear, sorrow, despair – followed by rage, vengeance and resolve. Finally, let us also remain vigilant to all forces that would seek to destroy our nation, both via malicious intent or by misguided actions, both foreign and domestic, for we alone are the last defense of our liberties.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

......and Pigs Can Fly

Many battles begin in a blatant demonstration of firepower and overwhelming force - witness the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Germany’s Blitzkrieg in Europe and America’s Shock and Awe mission in Iraq. Other times it is an isolated skirmish, an acceleration of hostilities or irresponsible rhetoric that can set the wheels of war in motion.

This past week the opening salvos of the Obama administration’s next battle against the America we know and love may have been launched via two stealth actions intended to stay below the radar of the American public.

Under the pretense of inspiring America’s schoolchildren, President Obama intends to preempt normal educational activities and address our children in their classrooms via TV and computer. A seemingly innocuous event at face value until put in complete perspective. The U.S. Department of Education, under guidance from the White House, has prepared a curriculum for use by teachers in conjunction with the address. The recommended activities for the schoolchildren include writing a paper on how to “help the president,” discuss what “the president wants us to do,” and “write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president.” It alarms me that no where is there mention about “what can be done for America,” only this continual obsession with the cult of personality that surrounds this narcissistic charlatan who has the American Left mesmerized by his every word and action.

To use our children and grandchildren as a captive audience, and to give the NEA, one of Obama’s staunchest allies, carte blanche to practice subversive indoctrination of their precious charges, reeks of the politicization of the public educational system and comes dangerously close to the nascent stages of the fascist youth movements of the mid 20th century. Fortunately, the American public has become aware of the president’s upcoming address and the White House is rethinking its next move. Notwithstanding any positive revisions to their original plan, the very thought that the administration devised such a strategy should send chills down the spine of every American.

The second covert move came in the form of a not highly publicized comment by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, advising the public that they should expect “a big influx” of swine flu in the coming fall season. On July 24, 2009, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed a previous determination that “a public health emergency exists nationwide involving Swine Influenza A that affects or has significant potential to affect national security.” Napolitano’s comment, following the determination of Sebelius, puts swine flu squarely in the crosshairs of Homeland Security and allows it to be elevated to crisis status at Napolitano’s discretion.

Recall for a moment the comments of Napolitano regarding her take on terrorism. While deleting the politically incorrect phrase “war on terror” from the vernacular of Homeland Security, Napolitano felt compelled to include groups or individuals opposed to abortion or immigration, gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks to America. Given this ideological mindset, in complete lockstep with the president, is it so far fetched to imagine Napolitano politicizing the swine flu issue in order to advance the administration’s agenda regarding Health Care Reform? Once it becomes a crisis, we can expect the Rahm Emanual doctrine “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste” to trigger actions dedicated to formalizing government takeover of Health Care, either via legislation or executive orders, under the mantra of Homeland Security. Remember that it was a so-called crisis that compelled the government to legislate bailouts, industry takeovers and stimulus fiascos.

We have all seen the hysteria that can be generated around the predictions of an epidemic. The mainstream media, content to serve as the administration’s propaganda machine, would delight in 24 – 7 coverage of a supposed health emergency – think SARS and Bird Flu, previous imminent Armageddon predictions that failed to materialize.

As the fall approaches there will no doubt be an increase in the number of cases of swine flu throughout the country. The American people should take prudent precautions to safeguard their health, and the government should procure sufficient vaccine for the protection of the public. The government should not politicize the disease, panic the populace, and usurp powers that are not within its constitutionally mandated jurisdiction. The American people should remain alert, informed and skeptical of unwarranted reports of widespread dangers to national security, safeguarding their sacred liberties as deliberately as they do their health.

Then, again, in contrast to what we have witnessed in the first months of the Obama administration, maybe our elected officials are only acting in the best interests of the American people with no regard for their own power…..and then, again, maybe pigs can fly.