As I sit to write on this 21st of December, I am reminded that today is the winter solstice, the so-called shortest day of the year, the day when darkness relinquishes its grip later in the morning and reclaims the skies earlier in the evening, limiting the light of day to its briefest appearance of the year.
To listen to many of my fellow patriots, one would think that the darkness will never end, the skies will never brighten, and the breath of spring will never arrive. They lament the continuing manipulation of a lame duck congress that seems hell bent on destroying every vestige of American greatness before relinquishing its stranglehold on the nation. They gnash their teeth over every failure of republican representatives to hold fast to the conservative ideals of the multitudes of concerned citizens who have returned them to power. They despair that the gains we made this year will disappear overnight with every piece of legislation that comes to a vote.
While I share the concerns, the angst, and the outrage of the final days of the 111th Congress, I suggest we remember who we are as Americans. We proudly proclaim that our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian traditions, so at this wonderful time of the year let us embrace the traditions and cultures that make us who we are.
Weeks ago we moved from the uniquely American Thanksgiving Day to the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, commemorating a miracle when what appeared to be only enough oil to keep the light lit at the Menorah for a single day, burned for eight days while more oil was prepared. In a few short days Christians will celebrate the birth of Christ, the Son of God, sent to earth as the Messiah, the one who would reclaim salvation for mankind. Our traditions, our cultures, our beliefs, our eternal optimism for hope. Remember that we each have the flame of freedom burning within us, acknowledged by our founders as being an inalienable right bestowed on us by our Creator. Each of us must nurture that flame and keep it burning, so that it may light the flame of freedom for others around the world.
Let us be mindful of the work we have ahead of us in the rescue of our nation, but let us not dwell on the negative, but rather look forward to the challenge and the eventual success that is a part of our very being as Americans.
We believe that this nation was conceived and guided by Divine Providence, put here for a reason, and destined to be the light of freedom for all mankind. Our forefathers have accepted challenges, setbacks, and hardships, and have risen up as victors. The first settlers suffered to take hold of the land, the pioneers and frontiersmen tamed a wild west, the initial assault on D-Day met with massive casualties and the island hoping in the Pacific resulted in terrible loss of life, yet generations of Americans have overcome these trials and achieved greatness. It is now our turn to weather the storm, to keep a steady hand and a focused eye, and to move ever forward, and to do it with the grace and hope of those who have come before us.
Let us remember that we are novices at what we are doing and that our movement as concerned citizens did not even exist two years ago. Rather than dwell on the negative, think of what might have been had we not become engaged, had we not raised our voices, had we not allowed our passion and love for America to become the one safeguard to the liberty of a nation. We have a class of conservative representative ready to take over the reins in the House, we have slightly more conservative representation in the Senate, we have made great strides in statehouses, and we have the organization and apparatus to continue to exert influence on those who have not yet heard our voices.
Starting tomorrow, each day will get longer. The sun will rise earlier and set later; the light of day continually encroaching on the darkness of night. We will weather the winter and welcome the spring and the rebirth and resurrection which it brings. A new year filled with challenges and hope is almost upon us. Last year we feared that all we cherished as Americans could have been lost, yet we rose to the occasion and lived to fight another day.
Let us make 2011 a year of continued advances for the cause of liberty, and a time of renewed commitment to this dream we call America. As long as even one of us keeps the embers of freedom burning within us, America will continue to live.
Let us face the incoming year with the optimism and spirit that Ronald Reagan so comfortably portrayed in all he did. Let us honor the celebration of his 100th birthday not with negativism and fear, but with a smile and an understanding of who we are as Americans, and a commitment to achieve our date with destiny.
Enjoy your family, your friends, your fellow patriots and all the joys and blessings that we have as Americans. I wish you all the Peace and Blessings of this Christmas Season and all the Health and Happiness of the New Year.