In scant days from today this country will celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, one of the founding documents of our American heritage, and the clarion bell of man’s resounding demand for liberty and self government.
The Founding Fathers made a bold move 233 years ago, knowing that they could ultimately suffer the wrath of the world’s superpower, but nonetheless declared for all to witness “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
These brave men, along with their fellow Americans, sacrificed everything for a dream that would become a reality, and would inspire a people to overcome all odds, defeat the undefeatable, accomplish the impossible, create unheard of prosperity, and in future generations save millions from tyranny, spread the seeds of liberty, and become a “Shining City on the Hill.”
Today, as we celebrate our past and honor our founders, it is a bittersweet moment, fraught with melancholy and remembrances of times that were. As we watch the evolution of our government, one cannot help but wonder if we are leaving our children and grandchildren with the same hopes, the same dreams, and the same opportunities which have been handed down from generation to generation. The hollow promises of Hope & Change emanating from Washington clash in harsh contrast with the legislation, directives and pronouncements coming from an arrogant president, an agenda driven congress and a sea of bureaucrats, all intent on changing the very fabric of our society.
The Founders noted that all men had “certain unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,” and “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed.” I posit the opinion that today’s politicians are no longer concerned with the consent of the governed, but are focused on their own perpetual reelection to office. To that end they have pandered to an electorate that has abdicated its civic obligation to be informed and to act as watchdogs, and have in essence forfeited certain liberties for the cornucopia of handouts being offered by the ruling class.
The Founders knew the dangers of larger, ever growing bureaucracies, and one of their enumerated grievances with the King was that he had “erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.” As the American public is preoccupied with daily life, the government continues to expand, sending its bureaucratic tentacles into all aspects of our lives. The banking industry, the auto industry and soon all of healthcare are quickly coming under government influence. How much can someone be paid? What kind of cars should be produced? Who should get loans? Who should be denied? Soon, Who gets medical treatment and who has outlived their usefulness, and should be denied treatment? All questions being answered by agencies, bureaucrats, and politicians, most of whom have never run a business, been responsible for a P&L report, or lived life in the real world that the average American traverses daily.
Another burning issue addressed by the Founders was “imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.” In a few short months, we have witnessed massive spending, bailouts, so-called stimulus packages, and are now threatened with a looming array of hidden taxes in the pending Cap & Trade legislation. Under the guise of environmental policy, we will be riddled with taxes on all forms of energy in an 1100 page bill and a 300 page amendment that were ram-rodded through the House, and now go to the Senate. For those of you in the Summit – New Providence – Berkeley Heights area, you should be aware that our Congressman Lance was one of 6 Republicans who felt compelled to punish his constituents with more taxes. (If that irks you, let him know. I did.)
After stating that governments are instituted among men to secure their unalienable rights, and that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed, the Founders go on to say “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” It is my assertion that the problem lies not in the form or foundation of the government, the Constitution being a remarkable blueprint for the Republic, but rather in the current politicians, who have jettisoned all manner of statesmanship as they prostitute themselves in the complete absence of shame and honor.
As we approach Independence Day we have choices to make. To some the current state of affairs in America is acceptable, and the promise of Hope & Change (and anything that is not Bush) is their wish come true. To others, politics is someone else’s problem. They feel that their voices do not matter and are content to go on with their lives, hoping that things don’t get too bad. To these people, I implore you to make your voices heard. There is a grassroots movement underway in this country as witnessed by the numerous Tea Parties that have taken place. Organizations are forming. There are forums for speaking out. Our representatives are only concerned about reelection – to that end, if they sense a movement against the current direction that this administration is going, they will listen, if for no other reason than self preservation. For myself, I have been stewing over current events for months. From early in the election process I had a sense of doom about what would happen if we elected a president who I perceived as being anti-capitalist, anti-American, ultra-liberal, arrogant, and blessed with a charisma and eloquence which would captivate an ill-informed, celebrity-obsessed populace, which could be easily manipulated by class envy rhetoric and promises of a nanny government which could satisfy its every need. Once this president was given both houses of Congress, my fear increased exponentially. That being said, I never in my wildest nightmare, could have envisioned such a massive, blitzkrieg attack on this country I so love.
So for me, the choice is simple. I will write to all who will listen. I will do everything in my power to keep informed those who care and who would likewise speak out, pass the word, and do their little bit in a grassroots campaign to save this blessed republic. I owe it to my children, to my friends and to those fellow Americans who cherish the liberty, the individualism, and the heritage that is our country, to do all I can before handing over the future of America to those whose visions are antithetical to those of our Founding Fathers.
To that end, I am beginning a series of essays, posted periodically to the following website. If you are interested, please click on the link
(I have sent this to family, friends, and acquaintances, and I will forward new essays to you as they are written. If you do not wish to receive them, please email me to that effect. I will certainly honor your wishes. The beauty of this country is that we all can have our beliefs and opinions, and no one should be forced to listen to anything which they don’t agree with. To those who find these essays informative or interesting, or who find their passions aroused, please share them with friends on your email list, facebook, etc. There is no easier way to spread the word. Comments can posted directly on the blog site.)