Thursday, October 8, 2009

We Ain't Done Nothin' Yet

We’ve all seen it before. The desperate mother trying to control her unruly child in a store. The child screaming for that special toy, that piece of candy, that worthless “thing” that the marketing gurus have managed to make indispensible to the malleable young mind. The mother, embarrassed, beside herself, trying everything to make the screaming stop. Begging, bribing, threatening, all to no avail. If nothing else, the child has learned that all the threats in the world matter for naught if in the end the parent does not follow through with actions. In the end, the empty threats fall on deaf ears, the screaming persists, and the parent, unwilling to enforce the promised sanctions, retreats, reinforcing the learned behavior once again, and condemning herself to the same indignities in the future.

So here we are in October, basking in the glow of our efforts to counteract the aggressive assault on our country, on our way of life, and on our Constitution, by an arrogant, condescending president, supported by a radical congress, intent on foisting its socialist agenda on America. Aren’t we proud? Haven’t we finally awakened from our malaise to speak our mind, to shine the light of truth on the bastardization of the founding principles of our nation by those to whom we have entrusted their care?

We have risen up at Tea Parties across the fruited plains, culminating with a massive demonstration of our resolve on September 12 on the very lawn of the Capitol, taking over Washington in the greatest display of conservative emotion ever witnessed in D.C. We have taken over Town Hall meetings, forcing our elected officials to hear our discontent and shouting down the normal barrage of talking points and outright lies that have been spoon fed to the electorate for decades. We have forced the administration to back off and regroup in their efforts to ram through health care legislation that this country neither wants, needs, nor can afford. We have fought the fight and we should be proud.

Well, wake up America, we ain’t done nothin’ yet! The real moment of truth is yet to come. The long awaited harbinger of things to come is right around the corner. The so called Bellwether event is just a few short weeks away.

Up to now, our representatives (forgive the folly of that description) have been listening, have been watching, and have been measuring our resolve, because in the world of politics the only thing that matters is the vote, and up to now, no one has been thrown out of office, no one has suffered the wrath of the electorate. Congress has moved boldly along, picking up the health care issue and moving steadily towards a vote. Pelosi is intent on a “public option” (read government monopoly) and the Left is in her corner. Obama, whose approval rating is starting to once again improve, has continued to show a deaf ear to the people in almost every regard, from bankrupting domestic policies to malfeasance in foreign affairs. The likes of Charlie Rangel laugh in the face of blatant allegations of abuse and the Czars run rings around constitutional authority.

In three and a half weeks New Jersey and Virginia will decide whether or not this raping of America continues unabated, or whether some moderate voices, concerned about their own political future, begin to reign in this made dash to Marxism. In three and half weeks the Gubernatorial elections in the Garden State and the Old Dominion State will ascertain whether or not the electorate is willing to carry through with its threat, or whether we’re all talk and no action. Rest assured, Congressmen, Senators, Governors, and elected officials right down the line will be paying rapt attention to the outcome of these two elections.

In Virginia, Republican Robert McDonnell continues to hold a lead over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds, and has been solidifying that hold over the last week. New Jersey is another story altogether. Republican Chris Christie has watched his lead over Democrat John Corzine erode from double to single digits over the past weeks. In addition, Independent candidate Chris Daggett could be siphoning critical votes from Christie, who, in the mold of modern day New Jersey Republicans, is a lukewarm alternative to the democrats at best, and who clearly does not inspire the passion normally needed to unseat an incumbent.

A Republican sweep of both elections would send a strong message that the silent majority has awakened and has brought its discontent to the ballot box. A Democratic sweep would only embolden the liberal congress, and would in fact emasculate the conservative opposition as nothing but a passing fad, all bark and no bite. A split would do…..

So what can you do now to bring all our recent efforts to fruition? If you live in New Jersey or Virginia, you must get out and vote, and you must energize as many other patriots who want to preserve our way of life, our culture, our tradition, our very liberty, to vote also.

If you do not live in either of these states, you too can help. Send this message to your email list, to your Facebook or Twitter list, to everyone you know and ask them in turn to forward it to their lists with the intent of alerting as many of the voting public in New Jersey and Virginia that the time to act is now. The great states of New Jersey and Virginia can be today’s Lexington and Concord.

A personal message, along with this essay, will go a long way in completing the task we all set out to accomplish many months ago. The finish line is in sight. Press on, summon that extra ounce of energy and keep your eye on the prize, for it is no less than the America we all love so deeply.
